A dozen years ago, my neighborhood improved vastly when the town stretched a footbridge across the nearby marsh and built Windsor Castle Park, which includes miles of woodland and riverside trails. I love finding mushrooms along the trail. They seem to come in hundreds of colors. I was drawn to the cover of MUSHROOM RAIN when I spotted it on Instagram. This gorgeous book by Laura K. Zimmermann and illustrated by Jamie Green was published in March by Sleeping Bear Press. In a starred review, School Library Journal raved: “This showstopper of a picture book will wake kids up to the wonders of the botanical underpinnings and incredible aspects of the science of mushrooms…Pictures and words fizz with the magic that surrounds the quiet work of mushrooms and should send kids looking to learn more.”

Congratulations, Laura! This is such a beautiful book! I’m so happy I spotted the cover on Instagram. I’m fascinated by mushrooms. I think one of the reasons your cover attracted me was because just an hour before I’d been revising a manuscript that mentioned fairy rings, those enchanting mushroom circles that pop up after damp weather.
Thank you, and thank you so much for having me!

I think if I had the choice now, I’d have gravitated more towards a science than an arts career. Tell us a bit about your multi-faceted career.
There are so many cool things in the world, I have never been particularly good at just sticking with one. Being a scientist, teacher, and children’s author allows me to discover and travel down all sorts of marvelous rabbit holes. Although the various topics can be quite different from each other, they share common threads—research, curiosity, and kids, in one way or another.

Your prose in this book is lovely. I’m impressed, because I know academic papers are not quite so lyrically written. As it happens, this week my younger son has taken a short working vacation to write his dissertation prospectus (organic chemistry.) When I first tried writing anything that wasn’t assigned, I remember finding it hard freeing myself of the academic style that had been a requirement for school work. It’s such a stubborn habit! I suppose he needs that style now, but can you offer my son any advice on how to throw off that academic voice for non-dissertationy projects?
Thank you. The lyrical prose in Mushroom Rain is certainly different from my academic writing. I teach APA style in my research classes and early on students often struggle to shift their voice to conform. But what I have discovered, and what I tell them, is that writing of any sort will help improve their writing in others. Learning to write in a lyrical voice has helped my academic writing dramatically, and my background in academics has influenced my kidlit style. However, that doesn’t stop me from falling into technical writing ruts. When I get lost in academic writing, the easiest way to find my way back is to grab a big pile of kidlit and start reading.

What wonderful advice! Now on to the subject of the book! Did you learn anything that surprised you? Anything that led you in a new direction?
Everything about mushroom-producing fungi surprises me. I knew very little about them until I studied Beatrix Potter’s research and then delved even further into their world for Mushroom Rain. Their tie to rain was based on an article I stumbled upon—that was the article that took me up to the sky and back again.
Jamie Green’s illustrations are stunning! Every single spread could easily be an art poster I’d hang on my walls. Since this was your first picture book, tell us about any revelations along the way to holding that first author copy in your hands.
Jamie did such a beautiful job on the book. Their illustrations built on my words to create a magical world. Although Jamie and I had no direct contact while we were working on the book—my communications went to my editor, Jamie’s to the art director—I did get to see the art at different stages which I loved. It was so interesting to see the book evolve—my words shaping Jamie’s illustrations and their art shifting my words was a truly amazing process. Add to that the contributions of the many wonderful folks at Sleeping Bear and you get the book living in the world today. And even though I knew what the final book looked like digitally; the physical version is even more lovely.

What is your favorite thing that kids have said about your book?
Of course, choosing just one is hard, but since we began with my multifaceted career… At one of my school visits a class wanted to know what I did when I wasn’t writing and I told them I studied early childhood. One child’s response, “That’s creepy!” I did try to explain why it wasn’t, but I don’t think they believed me. I am hoping we can get that class connected with one of mine in the spring so they can evaluate it for themselves. I will make sure to choose one of my less creepy days. (Imagine a grinning emoji here since the blog doesn’t seem to allow for that.)
Thanks so much for stopping by, Laura. Readers, Sleeping Bear is offering one free copy of MUSHROOM RAIN! (US residents only, please, and no P.O. boxes since they ship UPS.) Enter for the random drawing by commenting below by September 10th, 2022. Maybe tell us: What’s your favorite woodland find?

Laura K. Zimmermann is a college professor by day and children’s writer by night. She has a PhD in developmental psychology and has published numerous academic articles as well as nonfiction stories in children’s magazines. MUSHROOM RAIN is her first picture book. When she’s not writing, Laura can be found teaching and conducting research at Shenandoah University or wandering through nature with her Goldendoodle, Tivy. She is represented by Kaitlyn Leann Sanchez at Context Literary.
Find Laura at these links:
Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest
And explore her website — full of wonderful supplemental materials — here: https://laurakzimmermann.com/
I love walking and finding bright orange newts lighting up the path.
Oh what a treat! Better than the small copperhead I once noticed was lying under my dog as he relieved himself. He never noticed! 😄
It has been a long time since I have seen one of those. They are fascinating! 🙂
Woodland creatures are the cutest!! 🦊
Oh, I agree! The squirrels are a lot more cagey about keeping out of sight than the ones that fill my mom’s Maine garage with walnuts. lol!
So true!
I love spotting butterflies flit through the forest during hikes! Thanks for this fun and informative interview. Would love to win a copy!
Thanks, Amanda! A butterfly always adds a little magic, doesn’t it!
I love, love, love this book! And am fortunate to call Laura a good friend! 🙂
It’s so beautiful!
As I am!
Congratulations, Laura! I can’t wait to read your book. I love the woods when the fall colors are brilliant.
My favorite time of year. The end of August, I’m always just holding my breath waiting for September to get here. Suddenly unusually cool here in Va, so I’m grateful for that!
Thank you, Kim. There is nothing quite like fall colors among the trees.
What a beautiful picture book in both the writing and illustrations! My grandchildren would love it. My favorite woodland find was a tiny fawn waiting for its mother’s return.
Ooo! Lucky you! Thanks, Pamela!
Thank you, Pamela. Tivy and I just saw a cute little fawn the other day.
We always found mushrooms under one of our maples when the weather was damp. The tree had to come down last year, but the mushrooms still show up to mark the spot where it stood.
What a sweet memory for you! I’m worried we have a pecan tree that may need to come down in the not-too-distant future. We came home from Maine to discover a HUGE limb had fallen. Tree guy is out there cutting it up right now. Hoping the remainder can hang on a bit longer. Trees are like family to me.
I absolutely adore this book. The lyricism, the information, the art. All are exquisite.
You are so right, Jilanne! I’m so glad it jumped out at me on Instagram. (Although, that’s the reason it did, of course. lol!)
Thank you, Jilanne!
What a wonderful interview! I love getting to know authors ‘behind the scenes’. And of course what a gorgeous book! Thank you, Laura, for creating it!
Thank you, Elizabeth!
Thank you so much, Elizabeth. i am so glad you like it!
This book looks amazing. I cannot wait to read it. I love looking up at the trees when I am in the woods.
Yes! High five! We even have trees over our tacky little above-ground pool in the backyard. Makes for a bit more maintenance, but worth it. One of my favorite views is looking up at the canopy from a pool float.
Thank you, Loreli. Trees are amazing and beautiful!
I do enjoy walking in nature and finding small critters and more. My favorite find in nature are amphibians.
Glad to meet another amphib-lover! I even like snakes, although I’m careful around them, of course. I love the smooth, cool feel of a snake when you hold one. Haven’t done it in much too long.
I do love small critters, although I tend to lean a bit more toward the fuzzy variety. 🙂
…and feathers, and shells…and I have to admit there are some pretty cute little frogs and newt type creatures out there… 🙂
Mushrooms are cool. This book looks cool!
Yes and yes! lol!
Thank you, Quinette.
I have been fascinated with fungi and mushrooms for weeks now since reading Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake. This book looks like the perfect compliment!
Oh I’m sure it would! I’ve always found them fascinating, too, and have watched a lot of videos about them, but Laura still found some things I hadn’t heard about, especially the title itself.
Elspeth, thank you. I love Merlin’s book too. 🙂
My favorite recent woodland find was a teeny tiny orchid. I also love it when the trilliums bloom.
I’m so excited to read MUSHROOM RAIN–it looks stunning–and appreciate the chance to enter the giveaway.
Oh my, what a find! Our world is so amazing. Thanks, Nora!
I love orchids…such an amazing family of flowers. Trilliums are beautiful too! I hope you love reading it!
I hike nearly every day and it’s usually where I get inspired. I love seeing birds and critters but I also love, once in awhile, finding tiny bits of art—like a dragonfly made of beads and wire hanging on a post, or a small ceramic troll tucked into the roots of a tree.
I love that, too. I have a friend who holds a weekly activities meeting up the street for special needs adults and they stroll down to the park now and then, leaving painted rocks here and there. They enjoy it, and so does anyone who finds the rocks.
The right nature art in just the right place can be magical. And you just gave me a new idea for a cool mushroom art project for the book website…thank you!
I love walking in the woods and listening to all of the birds & other animals hiding among the trees. Mushroom Rain looks delightful.
You’ve hit on all my favorite things, too, Carl!
All wonderful things…I’m going to do some ‘forest bathing’ with Tivy later today. 🙂
Thanks for the wonderful interview, Kim! Laura’s book is so lovely and lyrical and informative! I too am a fungi fan and have a book on fungi releasing next fall, FUNGI GROW (illustrated by Diana Sudyka).
Thank you, Maria. I am so looking forward to yours. 🙂
Oh wow, congratulations on the upcoming book, Maria!
I look forward to reading this book! Mushrooms are often so underappreciated. My favorite woodland find, though? WILDFLOWERS!
A whole field or hidden, wildflowers are amazing! I hope you enjoy reading the book just as much!
I can’t wait to read this entire book! Of Course, Mushrooms and all their beauty are the best outdoor find.
I am always amazed by how different they can be. I hope you love the book just as much!
This book is gorgeous! I cannot wait to read it! I love finding mushrooms in the forest, but I also love finding cool rocks, ferns, wildflowers, animals, birds, sticks with moss, pretty much anything. It smells so refreshing and it’s all a wonder! Congratulations, Laura!
Thank you. There really are so many wonderful things in the forest to see, hear, and smell (although Tivy is way more into the smelling bit 🙂 ). I hope you love the book just as much!
This book is gorgeous! My favorite woodland find is a black bear, but I also enjoy finding brightly colored fungi.
Thank you! I love bears too…at a distance. I got closer to a mama and her cub once than I would have liked. For such large creatures they can be amazingly quiet.
My husband is jealous because I saw a bear crossing the road near my mom’s house in Maine last summer. (Sounds like the start of a joke.) 😄
I love woodland walks! Once, when camping, I encountered an Eastern Screech Owl, which was super cool. There’s nothing more beautiful than fireflies lighting up the forest. Fairy rings are awesome to see, as are lots of mushrooms! I’m looking forward to reading this amazing book! Congratulations, and thanks for the opportunity!
A couple of years ago there were so many fireflies, the trees lit up like Christmas trees. It’s the only time I have seen so many. And owls are their own kind of cool. 🙂 I hope you love the book just as much!
I was so excited to see a deer for the first time in my mother-in-law’s backyard in Kentucky several years ago. It was standing still. I don’t remember how long I watch it from afar.
They are lovely aren’t they?
Nature is amazing just like this book! Congratulations on the starred review.
Thank you so much. I am so glad you enjoyed it!
Lovely book!
Thank you!
Kim and Laura, thank you for a wonderful interview! This is a must-have book for me. So lyrical and lovely! Congratulations, Laura! We love foraging in the woods for mushrooms and my husband went to a mushroom workshop and returned with kits for growing our own–so fresh and tasty. He also bought a couple of books on mycology to replace my old falling-apart paperback.
I keep meaning to explore one of those mushroom kits, Vijaya. Oh so many things I “keep meaning” to do. (Fear not, your train case will not fall into that “keep meaning” category. lol! We’re back from Maine and I’m back on the case! (Get it? On the case? ar ar!)
Kim, the kits make it easy to grow without contamination (why, yes, I’ve managed to grow all kinds of other things as well 🙂 I’m on the lookout for my case. The good thing is that having kids taught me patience. This writing life too.
Thank you so much, Vijaya. Those sound like wonderful kits!
I just (sadly) returned this book to the library. I think my favorite page is the one about mushroom smells. How fun to know that bubble gum-scented mushrooms exist!
Fascinating, aren’t they? I love that you happen to have just checked it out at the library.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Janet. That picture is also under the dust jacket so it must be a favorite of Jamie and/or the art director too. 🙂
I love woodland finds of all sorts–one of my favorite things to do is to walk in the woods!–but my favorite find to date was when we lived in Australia, and we saw a cassowary while on a rainforest walk. It really made me viscerally feel like I had seen a dinosaur. An amazing encounter.
I’m so jealous! What a cool sighting!
I have only seen them at zoos, I bet it was amazing to see one in the wild!
I absolutely loved Laura’s book! We forage for edible mushrooms and I find them fascinating. Laura words perfectly described their world in the most beautiful way. My fav woodland (well, on the edge of the woods anyway) find was coming upon a severed deer leg that was being worked on by carrion beetles!
Oh wow. People think of them as gross, but those beetles play such an important role.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the book, Teresa. Getting to see the carrion beetles at work is so cool, a bit gross early in the process, but cool. 🙂 I am always amazed by how clean vultures can leave a bone.
The illustrations are stunning! Can’t wait to read as it is right “ up my alley”.
Best thing I found was a fallen limb with three holes. I brought it home and wrote a pb manuscript about what three families might had lived there.
Book inspiration from nature is the best! I hope you love the book as much as we do!
The illustrations are stunning! Can’t wait to read as it is right “ up my alley”.
Best thing I found was a fallen limb with three holes. I brought it home and wrote a pb manuscript about what three families might had lived there.
This looks like a very interesting book! I love my walks in the woods, and finding a box turtle is the best! But happens less and less. 🙁
I love box turtles! I requested the lovely one that Jamie included in an art note. 🙂 It is sad to see things disappearing. I was just thinking the other day about how few butterflies and bees I had seen this year…☹️
How lovely! Thanks for sharing!
This book is so lovely! We rarely see mushrooms here in Tucson, AZ…it’s too dry. But every so often, one or two will pop through our rocky ground cover and surprise us. Congrats on your debut, Laura!