A Heavenly Design… Stars, by Mary Lyn Ray and Marla Frazee

Stars, by Mary Lyn Ray and Marla Frazee. What a beautiful, beautiful book. No names are on the front cover. None. Which made me really want to explore this book and look for the answer to ‘why’ that decision was made? The jacket features just the word, “Stars” brighter at the …

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STAR BRIGHT — a bright star among picture books

It’s the day after Thanksgiving. If you’re a holiday purist like me, that means you can start thinking about what comes next. In my case, the next holiday I celebrate is Christmas. And that means it’s the perfect time to look at STAR BRIGHT, an enchanting picture book written by Alison …

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One Family: Counting & More (plus Giveaway Winners)

With the recent attacks in Paris—and chronic turmoil and violence elsewhere—I’ve been having bleak thoughts about humanity. How is peace possible when people have such deeply-ingrained beliefs and such intolerance for those who don’t share them? So I wanted to feature a hopeful book. At first glance, One Family (Frances Foster …

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Election Day Celebration

Since Election Day was last week, I started thinking about “theme” books geared for certain holidays. So I decided to take a look at several picture books about Election Day and compare how various author handled the topic and what each did to make their book special.

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The Perilous Paper Predicament

  A few weeks ago my family came home to a very grumpy me. Over the next several days my mood worsened. As I explained the magnitude of my  situation to my compassionate loved ones, I became aware that most people don’t know the importance of something which is absolutely critical to an illustrator’s vocation— paper. My …

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