“Sometimes it’s hard being a goldfish. You dream of growing fat and exploring coral reefs. But instead here you are in a bowl. Going round and round in circles.
And sometimes it’s hard being a child in the summer in the city. All your friends leave and there’s no one to play with. You dream of escaping the steamy heat, too. But instead here you are in an apartment. Going round and round in circles.
But sometimes—- well, something happens to change all that…“
That is a beautifully designed page BEFORE the title page. It adds such a sense of drama. I find the narrative voice in this story so fresh and compelling. Something very big is about to happen and I cannot wait to read more! Comparing the lives of children to the lives of goldfish?
We are then introduced to three children with funny names. “H, Little O, and Baby Em”. They live in a tall round building in the city.
And then we meet their three goldfish. Their names are funny, too. “Barracuda, Patch, and Fiss”.
There is an old fountain outside their building that is broken and covered in ivy. Grandpa tells them stories about ‘back in the day’ when it was bubbling and beautiful.

Suddenly, a sign appears in the fountain,
“Coming in Two Weeks!
Calling all goldfish looking for a summer home”

The children watch with bated breath as the fountain is tended and restored. Before they know it the big day has arrived. And here is that witty narrative voice again,
“… because of all the children! The children and the children and the children crowding around him! All of them waiting to drop off their little fish children.”
Here is a glorious spread with adorable kids all facing the reader. Such joy and happiness. Sally Lloyd-Jones and Leo Espinosa have taken a fairly mundane event and elevated it to being a powerful, sharing, and connecting community ritual.
And then… the fish need to be returned. This might be my favorite line,
“And so the goldfish— who may have been Barracuda and Patch and Fiss, or some other goldfish altogether— went back to being fish in a bowl.“

What a great story! Such fun little twists and witty humor. Fantastic illustrations, so beautifully designed with the kids almost always surrounded by a round rug mimicking a gold fish bowl. The illustrations perfectly enhance the engaging and uplifting text. They feel full of life, happiness, excitement.
At the very end. On the very last page. Is a fairly inconspicuous Author’s Note.
This story is true!
Well, the event is true. Obviously, the author has invented the characters around a real NY city event that occurred during the summers from 1992-2005.
Didn’t see that coming. Made me love it all the more!
Very cool!
Hi Traci, it’s a lot of fun!
LOVE this book. Anything by Sally Lloyd-Jones, actually. But this one really gets you with that bit at the end. And, yes. The illustrations! Happy, happy.
I’m so glad that you like this book, too, Jill. I truly was surprised at the end!
Whoa – it is true??? Amazing! I want to know more AND to read this endearing tale. Wow!
Following up – I was so curious! I found this lovely “carpool karaoke” type interview in which Sally tells the story! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5MglTaXJm4
Oh wow, Cathy! I just listened and that’s fascinating. Thank you so much for finding and sharing! What a terrific story.
I love this book and never noticed the repeated circular images in the illustrations. Thanks for sharing, Jennifer!
Hi Judy, I’m so glad you enjoyed the book. Thanks for visiting PBB today!
Oh my gosh, this sounds so fun! I must now go to my library website to make sure they have this book!
I hope you get hold of a copy soon, Debra. Thanks for stopping by today!
How fun!
Hi Terri! It is a lot of fun. Thanks so much for visiting and commenting!
What a great story -so original! and I love the illustrations! This is sure to be winner hook, line and sinker! Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Hi Danielle. The lure of this book will reel you in! Thanks so much!
Oh my gosh this book looks like so much fun!
Hi Kim, I hope you like the book!
I love this soooo much. Congratulations Sally and Leo!!
Hi Lisa, nice to have you visit our blog and take the time to comment. Thank you!
The title alone makes me smile.
It is a happy story! Thanks, Janet ?
So much fun! Vacation in a fountain.
Isn’t that funny, Deborah? Thanks so much for visiting our blog today!
I can’t wait to read this! The illustrations make me so happy!
I hope it makes you even happier when you read and see a copy. Thanks, Michelle!
What great fun! I loved the line about the goldfish hanging back in their bowls when first lowered into the water and then darting away. The spread with everyone wading in the fountain makes me want to do it too. Yay!
Hi Tess! And I love the “goldfish parents” and “goldfish children”. Thanks for taking the time to read PBB today!
Wow! Such a fun, true story!
Hi Kathy. I love the author’s description that it is “a completely true made-up story.” Thanks!
Love this book! Such a clever, joyous story. Definitely want to get this one, Jennifer.
It is, Dee. Thank you so much for visiting and commenting!
What a touching story. I will ask our librarian to order it. Thanks for sharing.
I hope you enjoy it, Carole. Thanks for stopping by our blog!
What a fun book!
I love it! Can’t wait to read this one. What a fun picture book and idea!
Oh Wow! This looks so beautiful and FUN!!!
Ha! This looks really fun, and I love the illustrations. I’m glad you answered my question about how the kids knew which goldfish were their own (they didn’t!). Nice to think the goldfish enjoyed their little taste of freedom…
That last illustration you shared, Jennifer, makes me want to jump in, too. Thanks for sharing.