Month: May 2017
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NextGen Picture Book Writers!

Last weekend I had the privilege of meeting many talented young writers who’d created their own picture books, and other types of books, at the 43rd Annual Illinois Young Authors Conference (Yes, the 43rd!) This fantastic event celebrated exceptional writers in grades Kindergarten through 8th who’d won writing contests at their schools. (Each …
Feeling the feels with…Shorty & Clem
Bob, Not Bob! To be read as though you have the worst cold ever
Before You – Marvelous Metaphors!
Effin’ F&Gs

The Neuroticism of Accomplishment (#16 in a series) In the picture book world, for those unfamiliar, authors and illustrators are given the opportunity to have a look-see at what their soon-to-be, real-life book will look like. It is an assemblage of pages called an F&G, which stands for folded and …