EYE CANDY For Picture Book Lovers ❤️ Part 1 & Giveaway Winner Announced!

Not too long after moving to the Midwest 27 years ago, I learned about an amazing place and put it on my “Must Do List”. A mecca for kidlit lovers, The Kerlan Collection of Children’s Literature at the University of Minnesota’s Elmer L. Anderson Library, houses one of, if not the, largest, most extensive, most magnificent, collection of original manuscripts, artwork, and rare books pertaining to Children’s Literature, in the world. In March, I finally got to go.

I know that if you are reading this blog you are a Children’s Book enthusiast. I also know that many of you will not be able to travel to Minnesota and peruse the archives. So, I thought I would take you with me. A bit of eye candy and inspiration…

I emailed a few weeks in advance and sent an impossibly long dream list of “I would love to see” superstars. When I arrived at the Library, I was permitted to have my phone, a pencil, and sheets of paper. My phone I used often. The pencil only as a size reference for my photos. And my paper remained blank. 

I met the acclaimed and esteemed curator, Lisa Von Drasek, who graciously gave me a ‘behind the scenes tour’ of the archives. We rode an elevator 90 feet down into the Mississippi bedrock where the treasures could be kept at a constant temperature and humidity. Picture something from “The Invincibles.” Expecting to bump into Edna Mode momentarily, I followed Lisa through the air decompression chamber and finally arrived at a jaw-dropping landscape. Surrounding me were rows, upon rows, upon stacks upon shelves, touching the heavens above… of boxes. 

“Would you like to see Kate DiCamillo’s first page, first draft for BECAUSE OF WINN DIXIE?”

“Yes, yes I would.”

There it was.

“Would you like to see Melissa Sweet’s original dummy book for BALLOONS OVER BROADWAY?”

“Yes, yes I would.”

It appeared.

Lisa held before me models of Billy Twitters and a Blue Whale hand-crafted by Adam Rex.

Yes. Yes. Yes… 

I was Charlie in the Chocolate Factory with Willie Wonka dazzling me at every turn.

I thanked Lisa there and I will thank her again and again, here, there, and everywhere— what an overwhelming and unforgettable tour!

Back at my quiet table in the library, I tried to muffle my gasps and squeals as I held these magnificent and delicate originals in my hands. 

Maurice Sendak. One of his early picture books (1952) was written by Ruth Krauss and is called, A HOLE IS TO DIG. It’s a tiny little book in published form— about 5 x 7 inches. The illustrations feature black and white line drawings of little children doing darling kid activities. Teeny tiny final art drawings, done on terribly brittle tracing paper~

And here’s my own worn, little copy…

And I took several pictures in admiration of his incredible line work…

There were a few sketches that I recognized right away from a favorite— REALLY ROSIE, which was a picture book as well as a Broadway show and an animated television special with music by Carole King.

I enjoyed seeing how Maurice Sendak worked on the kids in the first rough and then tightened up in the second sketch.
From Wikipedia, “Sendak based the story on a demonstrative little girl who used to sing and dance on the stoop of her building, whom he observed while he was a little boy growing up in Brooklyn.”

I hope to share more of my trip with you over my next several posts. Seeing all this original artwork was affirming for me. It reminded me that Picture-Book-Making, writing, and illustrating, is a bumpy process. Even the most renowned artists and creators of our dearly beloved books, used white-out, wrote production notes, re-did, and edited.

I hope you enjoy this little journey. Thank you so much for coming along with me!

Annnnnnnndddddddd, the winner of Sarah Nelson and Ellen Rooney’s Book, A PARK CONNECTS US is— Dedra D.!

Congratulations, Dedra! Please contact Sarah through her website https://sarahnelsonbooks.com so that she can mail the book out to you.

Jennifer Black Reinhardt

Jennifer is the illustrator and author of several acclaimed picture books. Most recently is MOVING DAY, written by Teri Roche Drobnick, which she illustrated. Jennifer wrote and illustrated, Always by My Side, 'A Stuffie Story'. She also is both the author and illustrator of Playing Possum, and Blue Ethel. Jennifer illustrated Gondra’s Treasure, written by Newbery award winner Linda Sue Park. As well as, Sometimes You Fly, by Newbery medalist, Katherine Applegate. She illustrated Yaks Yak, Animal Word Pairs by Linda Sue Park, Fishtastic!, by Tess Weaver, The Inventor's Secret, What Thomas Edison Told Henry Ford, by Suzanne Slade, Rabbi Benjamin's Buttons, by Alice B. McGinty, and The Adventures of a South Pole Pig, by Chris Kurtz.


  1. This is an amazing post. Now I have to somehow get there. Thank you for sharing so many amazing photographs.

  2. Thank you Jennifer for this post! I had an appointment to go view this collection a few years back. I ended up having to postpone. This is a great reminder for me to reschedule. Amazing to see all of the original art. Can’t wait to see the next posts.

  3. Ohhhhhhh. Oh, wow, Jen. This is marvelous….

  4. This post makes me so happy!

  5. I love this post so much! Thank you for taking us along on your Kerlan expedition. Truly a slice of heaven. I’m amazed at what artists can do with a little pencil. Those sketches are marvelous!

  6. I got chills looking at those drawings! Thank you so much for sharing!

  7. Great post, Jennifer! I got goosebumps looking at those sketches by Maurice Sendak and reading Kate DiCamillo’s first draft of Winn Dixie. What an amazing tour. I would love to go sometime!

  8. Jilanne F Hoffmann

    I am overwhelmed. How could you ever leave such a place? Were you tempted to spend the night?

    • Truth be told, Jilanne, I was exhausted. Not only was I over stimulated and over-excited, but I didn’t really know what to expect and next time I go I’ll pace myself better. As you can imagine, carefully lifting the artwork out of the boxes, opening the wrappings, and moving them to see and photograph, required me to stand the whole time. So… that was a lot for this gal! So— not tempted to spend the night, but definitely going back again!

  9. Oh, my gosh! I love this post!

  10. What fun, Jennifer! I love these inspiring pictures. How fabulous to get a private tour of the Kerlan! Looking forward to seeing more…
    And congratulations to Dedra!

  11. Exploring the archives and holding these precious artifacts had to be such an exciting adventure! I was excited just looking at the amazing illustrations, manuscripts and original books pictured here. They made my pulse quicken and brought a huge smile to my face. Thank you so much for sharing, Jennifer!

  12. What an interesting post! Thank you….Congratulations, Dedra!

  13. Wow wow wow!!!

  14. Thanks! Lovely post. It’s reassuring to know that these “rock star” authors and illustrators don’t find “perfection” on their first attempts. 🙂

  15. How neat! I’ve never heard of that place. How cool they have these gems!

  16. Thank you for sharing these treasures with those of us who will probably never go. Wonderful journey–I think you should make this into a picture book!1

  17. It is wonderful to see favorites and the processes they went through to get to the final masterful product. Thank you.

  18. Wow, what an amazing opportunity to hold some lovely pieces of children’s literature history in your hands! Jealous!

  19. so much to learn and Lisa is the BEST!

  20. Amazing! Thank you for sharing your experience with the Kerlan Collection of Children’s Literature at the University of Minnesota.

  21. I somehow missed this when it was first posted, but, ohhhhhhh, each picture takes my breath away. Thank you for sharing this, Jennifer. I am in awe!

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