Long-time award-winning nonfiction author (and former PBB blogger) Suzanne Slade has a new book debuting this month, and … hold onto your hats … it’s FICTION. I’ve been a fan of Suzanne’s practically forever, so of course that had me curious and I had to hear all about it. Take a look at this sweet and tender cover.

From the publisher, Sleeping Bear Press:

Some days are easy! The sky is sunny, and it feels like the whole world is your oyster. Everything goes according to plan, and we know what to expect. Other days are tough! There might be raindrops or skinned knees. Things don’t go our way and we feel overwhelmed. But that is the up-and-down rollercoaster ride we call life. And everyone experiences it. The most important thing to remember is “No matter your day, tomorrow’s brand new!” Lyrical text and colorful artwork remind readers of all ages that life is a vibrant adventure with an array of experiences and emotions, and tomorrow always offers a fresh start. What a difference a day can make! An important message to keep in mind.

Doesn’t that sound like a book you just want to fall into? Let’s talk with Suzanne!

JE: Great to have you back, friend! First of all, since we know you as the author of many stunning and award-winning biographies and science books, this one comes as a bit of a surprise. What sparked this beauty?

SS: Interestingly, this was the first manuscript I wrote after a tough season where I had “major surgery” (per the Dr.) and was still healing and in pain. I don’t recall where the idea for the book came from specifically, but perhaps that difficult time inspired me to write about days with “fears” and “tears,” where you need to be “brave” as you look forward to “yellow” days with “clear sky” and “cream pie!” 

JE: Your lyrical, rhyming text is as smooth as butter. Sure feels like writing in rhyme comes naturally to you. Are there more rhymers in your future?

SS: Actually, bad rhyming comes very naturally to me. Then I edit and edit, and edit some more. On this book, I also received wonderful critiques from rhymer extraordinaire, Lori Degman, who’s in my critique group. Unlike you, Jill, who’s a skilled pro at writing in rhyme, it is a slow, painful process for me. My “Behold” animal series with Peachtree is also in rhyme (well, most of the text.) The next title, Behold the Hummingbird! flits into bookstores in April 2024.

JE: Oooh, hummers! Can’t wait to get my hands on that one. I love how you’ve included so many different child-friendly scenarios and emotions in so few words, Suzanne, giving artist Michelle Lee room to play. As the overwriter I know myself to be, I suspect you had some tough decisions about which of those to keep and which to cut.

SS: In early drafts, many of the lines had additional descriptive words, such as “rabbit-fast” and “tortoise-slow,” instead of simply “fast” and “slow.” I liked the nuances those extra words added, but as I honed the rhythm of the lines, many words had to go. It’s also interesting to look back and see the verses that didn’t make it to the final cut for one reason or another. With very few words on each spread, Michelle did a phenomenal job of creating various mini-storylines with interesting characters. Amazingly, all the characters reappear in the final spread to provide satisfying conclusions to those storylines.

JE: That is very satisfying! Overall, Michelle’s art palette adds such a cheerful, sunny feel. This book’s world, as she has imagined it, feels like a place we’d all like to be.

SS: Honestly, I was blown away by the details (storylines and character mentioned earlier) she included. Each time I read the book I discover new things I didn’t notice before. And as you mentioned, her color palette is lovely and inviting. Her artwork creates such a cozy, happy place to visit. Kirkus seemed to think so too because they called Michelle’s illustrations “charming” and the book “delightful”!

JE: Hooray for great reviews! Thanks so much for dropping back to fill us in on all things Some Days Are Yellow, Suzanne. Readers, leave a comment below for your chance to win your very own copy! You have until Friday, January 19th, when we’ll draw a name at random.

Book Trailer:

The lucky winner of Carla Ketner’s beautiful TED KOOSER: More Than a Local Wonder, was Lori Dubbin. Congrats, Lori!

Jill Esbaum

Jill Esbaum has been picture book crazy since her 3 kids were little, and especially so after her first was published in 2004 (Stink Soup). Recent titles: Bird Girl - Gene Stratton-Porter Shares Her Love of Nature With the World, Parrotfish Has a Superpower, Stinkbird Has a Superpower, Sea Turtle Swims, Kangaroo Hops, Jack Knight's Brave Flight, We Love Babies!, Where'd My Jo Go?, Frog Boots, How to Grow a Dinosaur, Frankenbunny, If a T. Rex Crashes Your Birthday Party, Elwood Bigfoot– Wanted: Birdie Friends!, Teeny Tiny Toady, I Am Cow, Hear Me Moo!, and more. Coming in 2025: Polecat Has a Superpower!, It's Corn-Picking Time!, Giraffe Runs. She's also the author of many nonfiction books for young readers, as well as an early graphic reader series, Thunder & Cluck. Learn more at


  1. Another wonderful book!

  2. This book looks lovely, and I look forward to reading it!

  3. Congrats, Suzanne! What a sweet looking book. I’m sure kids and their families will love it.

  4. This book looks wonderful! Thank you for sharing about it, and congratulations! 🙂

  5. Great book with amazing illustrations. I love how it will introduce new concepts to children. A great read aloud!

  6. Amazing book with great illustrations. I love a book that will introduce different concepts to children. This will be a great read along.!

  7. Suzanne, this new book is absolutely delightful! I can’t wait to add it to my collection of rhyming books. Congratulations!

  8. Sounds wonderful! Congratulations, Suzanne! I look forward to reading it.

  9. This looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing! Congrats, Suzanne!

  10. Amazing how a book can be simple and sweet, yet tug on the heartstrings. Thanks for the interview.

  11. I love yellow days & I love that cover. I look forward to reading this soon!

  12. Suzanne! So great to see you back here with a new book. It looks beautiful. Congratulations!!!

  13. danielle hammelef

    I love this idea and the simple, rhyming text will make for excellent mentor text for me as I struggle with leaving room for the illustrator to show the story. Thank you for the interview and chance to win a keeper copy.

  14. Congratulations Suzanne! As a person that both works with preschoolers and has 3 grand babies, I can’t wait to get my hands on this one! Looks like a lovely lesson on perspective.

  15. Oh this is so lovely…thanks for sharing

  16. Debra Kempf Shumaker

    This book looks amazing. Can’t wait to read it!

  17. Less is more — what a great reminder, Suzanne. Congratulations!

  18. Looks beautiful! Love the little boy in his chair and the treehouse! Be still my heart.

  19. Suzanne – you amaze me! I’m such a fan. I love the way the text and art blossomed – such a perfect creator match. And Jill – always does great interviews. Thanks to you both for sharing!

  20. What a treat! Thank you for sharing this beautiful book which will soon be in my local library. Can’t wait to see it!

  21. Suzanne, this looks like another, amazing book! I am adding it to my list of books to buy and share! So happy for you and your ongoing, wonderful career.

  22. Such an uplifting book…with tender ways to help explain the down days.

  23. Once the snow here clears, I’ll be skipping off to get this one. Go, Suzanne!

  24. Yellow is my favorite color, so I love this idea! So looking forward to reading it!

  25. I loved the way yellow days faded to blue and then came back again. The illustrations are lovely!

  26. Looks lovely! My granddaughter would enjoy this book.

  27. Congratulations on what looks like a gorgeous book! I love how your spare text prompted such detailed illustrations!

  28. Looks so sweet! Congratulations!

  29. I loved your manuscript when you shared it with our group and I love the illustrations Michelle created! Thanks for the mention 🙂

  30. Oh, lovely! Thanks for sharing with us.

  31. I love books that help portray a range of emotions. The words and darling illustrations do this so well! I enjoyed the trailer, too. Congrats, Suzanne!

  32. Congrats, Suzanne and Michelle! Congrats on your upcoming book.

  33. So excited to see this beautiful book in print. Congratulations!

  34. Suzanne Buckingham’ Slade library is growing in our home for grandchildren to read and talk about cousin connections .
    So enjoy sharing your books!

  35. Suzanne is a Rock Star!!! (except she doesn’t live on a bus or trash hotel rooms) {Might be better said >> “Suzanne is a Book Star!!!” She entertains, educates, and mesmerizes children and children-at-heart all over the world. Book on Suzanne!

  36. Rebecca Gardyn Levington

    Oh wow, this looks so beautiful! And another rhymer! YAY rhyme! Can’t wait to read this. Congrats Suzanne!

  37. I’m in a not so yellow time right now so I can’t wait to read Suzanne’s sweet book!

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