Pedal, Balance, Steer: Annie Londonderry, The First Woman To Cycle Around the World + Interview with the author, Vivian Kirkfield! + GIVEAWAY!

I’m very excited to welcome to Picture Book Builders one of the most generous and kind-hearted people in the KidLit Community! Vivian Kirkfield has supported me and so many others on our journeys, whether it be by hosting cover reveals or book birthdays on her amazing blog, offering inspiration and …

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PB Pair: Julie Andrews and her unforgettable voice

Today I want to share a lovely picture book pairing: one is a nonfiction biography and the other is a fictional tale written by the subject of the biography and her daughter. Who else could it be but the amazing and multitalented Dame Julie Andrews! In SONG AFTER SONG: THE …

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Four gorgeous garden picture books

I like picture books about gardens. Which is kind of funny, because I don’t have a garden and never will. I manage to keep one houseplant alive, and that’s about the extent of my gardening abilities. But hypothetical gardens in picture books are a wonderful thing. And, I love all …

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