Even Better Than Sprinkles + an interview with author Linda Skeers + a giveaway!

Happy book birthday to my writing pal, Linda Skeers! Woo-hooo!!! Look at this cover, folks.

Doesn’t that beg to be picked up?! Linda is reeeeally good at writing sweet stories with humor and heart, and those elements abound on these pages, adorably illustrated by the funny and talented Heather Fox. Every page is bright and energetic and adds its own kooky brand of humor.

Here’s the publisher’s description: “Having a best friend is the greatest feeling ever. But it’s terrible when something happens to break up that friendship. Now it feels like you are being hugged by a porcupine. Now it’s time to figure out how to repair a broken friendship. A good place to start is a homemade card with glitter everywhere and a special cupcake with lots of sprinkles. When you add an apology, it’s the best way back to being best friends.
This funny and sweet story is a guide to celebrating and caring for your besties even when you don’t seem to agree.”

I asked Linda about this magnificence….

Jill: So, Linda-friend, let’s first talk about the story itself. What sparked this cute, besties-hit-a-snag adventure?

Jill: Me, too! Best Friends Forever (except for that one day) still makes me laugh out loud. Here’s the spread with the unicorn line:

Jill: Okay, so … knowing you as I do, I’m assuming you wouldn’t pronounce this story finished unless there were multiple laughs. Could you give our readers a couple of tips for writing humor?

Jill: Ooh, that’s a good one. Too many funny lines gives even the funniest less impact. Linda, you’ve been successful with both fiction and nonfiction (NF: Dinosaur Lady, Women Who Dared). Which feels more natural to you?

Jill: I know I’m not the only one reading this who can relate to having trouble sticking to ONE project. Too easy to get stuck, and seems much healthier to simply turn to something different for a while. Tell us about seeing Heather Fox’s illustrations for the first time.

Jill: Wow, so seeing kids as the main characters must have been a bit of a shock. But, boy, Heather sure made them irresistible! What can we look forward to next?

Readers, Linda has generously agreed to send a copy of EVEN BETTER THAN SPRINKLES to one lucky reader. All you need to do is leave a comment below. U.S. mailing addresses only, please. She’ll pick a winner at random on July 5th and contact you.

Note: Linda and I co-host the Whispering Woods Picture Book Writing Retreat/Workshop every summer. There’s still room for you and a friend in our September session, Mon-Thurs, Sept 9-12. It’s … well, how do you talk about how great your own workshop is? Can I just say it’s a little bit magical? (Please feel free to ask anybody who’s been.) Contact me through my website for more details.

Jill Esbaum

Jill Esbaum has been picture book crazy since her 3 kids were little, and especially so after her first was published in 2004 (Stink Soup). Recent titles: Bird Girl - Gene Stratton-Porter Shares Her Love of Nature With the World, Parrotfish Has a Superpower, Stinkbird Has a Superpower, Sea Turtle Swims, Kangaroo Hops, Jack Knight's Brave Flight, We Love Babies!, Where'd My Jo Go?, Frog Boots, How to Grow a Dinosaur, Frankenbunny, If a T. Rex Crashes Your Birthday Party, Elwood Bigfoot– Wanted: Birdie Friends!, Teeny Tiny Toady, I Am Cow, Hear Me Moo!, and more. Coming in 2025: Polecat Has a Superpower!, It's Corn-Picking Time!, Giraffe Runs. She's also the author of many nonfiction books for young readers, as well as an early graphic reader series, Thunder & Cluck. Learn more at http://jillesbaum.com.


  1. Can’t wait to read this book, Linda!

  2. Jane Heitman Healy

    Linda may still prefer her original title, but it was “sprinkles” that caught my eye, as I know some kids who LOVE sprinkles! Congratulations on this fun book, and thanks for the chance to win.

  3. Jennifer Raudenbush

    This looks so fun! Congratulations!

  4. I am so excited to see this out in the world! Thanks for sharing…and for the chuckles 🙂

  5. Adorable book! I like to snort-laugh to when I’m writing.

  6. Can’t wait to read your latest — the humor and heart oozes from the post. Thank you, Jill and Linda. And, Linda, all your books are “even better than sprinkles!”

  7. Debra Kempf Shumaker

    This looks adorable! Congrats!

  8. Stefanie Raszler

    This sounds sweet and funny! Can’t wait to read it and can’t wait to attend the Whispering Woods retreat!☺️

  9. This book looks and sounds wonderful! Our library has it on order so I’m in line to read it and can’t wait. Love the cover and illustrations!

  10. Congrats, Linda! This book looks delightful & fun!

  11. Oh i CANNOT wait to read this!
    Hooray for humor (and sprinkles) ((and friendship))
    Congratulations Linda!

  12. I always love the journey of a story!

  13. Michael Henriksen

    Thanks for providing a peek into the process of producing this fun book (i love stories with humor & heart, plus also a big fan of Heather Fox, too!) 🤗📚💛

  14. We can all use a good laugh these days! Can’t wait to read it. Congrats!

  15. Love the book – I DO like the original title! See you in September!

  16. I like the original title better, too! But maybe that’s because I can clearly hear Linda say it in my head. Can’t wait to get my copy!

  17. Best friends is a great topic for a book. This one sings to me.

  18. Susan R. Apps-Bodilly

    Ha! The scene with a kid blowing out someone else’s birthday candles is so true to life! Can’t wait to read this book.

  19. Ah, this is great and I LOVE sprinkles and sparkles. I can of exactly two grown friends who could use this. Thank you for this lovely interview, Jill and Linda. Congratulations!!!

  20. Linda, this book sounds (and looks) absolutely adorable! I’m so happy for you! I hope it sells a gajillion copies. 🙂

  21. Becky Scharnhorst

    This looks and sounds utterly delightful! I can’t wait to read it!

  22. Congratulations, and thanks for the interview! I can’t wait to read this, and I love the sprinkles on the cover!

  23. This book looks delightful! Thanks for sharing and congrats!

  24. I attended Whispering Woods back in 2018. This interview brought back listening to the 2-of you talk about PB’s. What a fun interview. Love the concept of this book, Linda! Congrats and best wishes.

  25. Love the advice of amusing yourself and listening for those snort-laughs! Congrats on what looks like a very fun book.

  26. daniellle hammelef

    I love friendship stories and add humor makes them even better. The artwork is fun and eye-catching and I can’t wait to read this.

  27. I loved watching this book come together. I can’t wait to get my copy!

  28. Hey Linda
    I’m a past Whispering Woods graduate too! Nice to be reminded I was learning from the best! Congrats on the new book. Looks like it’s a lot of fun. I look forward to reading it from cover to cover.

  29. Claire Freeland

    Even Better Than Sprinkles looks fantastic. I love the concept and the humor. I can’t wait to read it. Congratulations!

  30. As an elementary school counselor, this book is simply amazing and would love to add my to my collection of books to spark conversation of friendship and what friendship looks and sounds like!! Thanks for writing this book and promoting a topic like this with humor and fun for all ages of readers!!

    • Ah, thanks, Laura! My first draft had everything going smoothly and then I realized that wasn’t realistic. Even the best of friends can have disagreements but it’s important to work them out.

  31. This book looks terrific! I loved the part of the interview about cutting some of the funny to make the rest, well, funnier–great advice! (I may have to take a look at some of my puns in an in-progress work…)
    Good luck with all your books!

    • Lynn, it’s so hard to cut a line that cracks you up but sometimes less is more! Good luck with you wip!

  32. Congratulations Linda!
    I love humorous books and I can’t wait to get a copy of yours!
    I enjoyed reading this interview and the “behind the scenes,” of this book!

  33. Everything about this is so much fun. I can’t wait to read and share it with kids who I know will love it!

  34. I can’t wait to get this book! I had a best friend in jr high that meant the world to me…..oh wait…..that was YOU! Remember that time in speech class we took turns writing a story one line at a time? I knew wayyy back then that you were an amazing author.

    • Sarah — oh, I miss writing those stories! And snort-laughing with you watching Creature Feature — I think this all started with you!

  35. Hi, Linda! Your new book makes me smile. And better than that, it’s gonna make me laugh as soon as I get my hands on it. The cover is delicious! xo

  36. Lindsay Moretti

    This book looks so fun! I love how playful the cover is, and the way you add humor to situations that may be a big deal to little people. I think this would be a fun read for little ones and adults!

  37. Congrats, Linda!! Love the way you “sprinkle” humor throughout the book. Can’t wait to read the entire book!

  38. I love the title! Especially because my step-grandson always asks for sprinkles on his ice cream when visiting my house. They make dessert sprinkly special, just like super good friends. Can’t wait to read the humour in this book!

  39. Can’t wait to read this! Love the cover and title:)

  40. Congratulations, Linda! I can’t wait to read the whole book — the lines about “accidentally-on-purpose” blowing out the candles sound like someone I know and love. I’m glad you have the sense of humor of a third grader because third graders can be SO FUNNY! Heather Fox’s illustrations are a perfect pairing for the story.

  41. Janet Frenck Sheets

    I loved your original title! But “even better than sprinkles” is fun too. Plus, I bet you’ll get to enjoy lots of sprinkle-covered cookies and cupcakes when you’re visiting schools and bookstores!

  42. Oh, I do love this title and the amazing cover. Actually, ALL the illustrations are terrific! And writing humorous stories is so much fun! This one sounds perfect. I’m definitely putting it on my TBR list.

  43. This looks like an adorable book to help children know how to make up with friends!

    • Kathy, the path of friendship doesn’t always run smoothly… especially when there’s birthday candles involved!

  44. This looks so fun, Linda! I love your sense of humor! I can just picture you cracking up as you’re writing this book. I can’t wait to read it!

  45. Angie Quantrell

    Oh, this sounds delightful and delicious! I’m adding it to my Goodreads list and checking my library! Congratulations!

  46. I just ordered Even Better Than Sprinkles from a lovely local bookstore–and can’t wait! Linda, your sense of humor is a bit “third grade” but that’s probably why I love your writing. So excited to see your words paired with Heather Fox’s art. Kudos to Jill Esbaum for this terrific interview!

  47. I love the title and the cover. What a fun book. Looking forward to reading it.

  48. I am late to the “sprinkle party” but enjoyed this interview just as much as everyone else. I am looking forward the reading Even Better Than Sprinkles! Thank you Linda and Heather for an adorable book about friendships up and downs. Jill, your questions were exactly the questions I wanted answered. Well done Everyone!

  49. And I must be the latest to this party with sprinkles!

    I love your third-grade humor, Linda. I look forward to reading EVEN BETTER WITH SPRINKLES.

    Thank you, Linda and Jill.

  50. Hilary Margitich

    Sounds fabulous and I can’t wait to read it! I also enjoy the humor of third-graders 🙂

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