Brave Baby Hummingbird is a work of art!
Keeping up with all. those. lists.
I don’t know about you, but I’m already flinging my hands skyward in surrender. Uncle! There’s simply no way I can find/read every Best-Picture-Books-of-2024 list dropping about now, not during this, the busiest (most wonderful?) time of the year. My dream is to catch up next month…. With that in …
MERRY CHRISTMAS, DEAR MARS! An interview w/Penny Parker Klostermann + a GIVEAWAY!!!
Merry Christmas Zoo! An interview with author Lola Schaefer

I’m very excited to share a very special holiday-themed book with you today. It’s Lisa Eickholdt and Lola Schaefer’s Merry Christmas Zoo (Chronicle), illustrated by Laura Watkins. I don’t know about you, readers, but I had no idea that zoo employees and volunteers work hard each year to make winter …
Happy Publication Day, PORCUPINE HAD A FUZZY SWEATER! + a chat with author Jody Jensen Shaffer + a GIVEAWAY!!!
Squirrel Needs a Break + a chat with author Kristen Remenar
Thomas Jefferson’s BATTLE FOR SCIENCE + an interview w/Beth Anderson + a GIVEAWAY!
Even Better Than Sprinkles + an interview with author Linda Skeers + a giveaway!

Happy book birthday to my writing pal, Linda Skeers! Woo-hooo!!! Look at this cover, folks. Doesn’t that beg to be picked up?! Linda is reeeeally good at writing sweet stories with humor and heart, and those elements abound on these pages, adorably illustrated by the funny and talented Heather Fox. …