OTTER OUGHTA KNOW, Interview with Karyn Friedman-Everham! + A GIVEAWAY!

I’m extremely excited to welcome Karyn Friedman-Everham to Picture Book Builders to chat with me about her absolutely adorable and so-fun-to-read-aloud debut picture book, Otter Oughta Know, illustrated by Michael Robertson and published by Orchard Books/Scholastic. Welcome Karyn! KFE: Rebecca, it’s wonderful to be here to talk with you about Otter …
HOPE IS A HOP, interview with creators Katrina Moore and Melissa Iwai! + a GIVEAWAY!
Pedal, Balance, Steer: Annie Londonderry, The First Woman To Cycle Around the World + Interview with the author, Vivian Kirkfield! + GIVEAWAY!

I’m very excited to welcome to Picture Book Builders one of the most generous and kind-hearted people in the KidLit Community! Vivian Kirkfield has supported me and so many others on our journeys, whether it be by hosting cover reveals or book birthdays on her amazing blog, offering inspiration and …
AFIKOMAN, WHERE’D YOU GO? A PASSOVER HIDE-AND-SEEK ADVENTURE! + interview with author Rebecca Gardyn Levington + a Giveaway!

On February 20th – my third rhyming picture book, AFIKOMAN, WHERE’D YOU GO? A PASSOVER HIDE-AND-SEEK ADVENTURE – will be released into the world! (Available for Pre-Order Now!) I’m so excited and I JUST CAN’T HIDE IT!!!! (Although the main character of this book, the Afikoman, IS hiding on every spread, thanks to the …
ANIMALS IN PANTS by Suzy Levinson, illustrated by Kristen and Kevin Howdeshell
ON A FLAKE-FLYING DAY: Watching Winter’s Wonders + Interview with author Buffy Silverman + A GIVEAWAY!

Brrrrrrrrr… it’s getting cold outside! What better time to start thinking about winter than to take a look at this BEAUTIFUL new photo-illustrated, rhyming picture book!? (Answer: there is NO better time!) We are lucky enough to have author Buffy Silverman here today to answer some questions about this fabulous …
The Boo-Boos of Bluebell Elementary + Interview with Author Chelsea Lin Wallace + A GIVEAWAY!

Today is the book birthday of author Chelsea Lin Wallace’s newest book, THE BOO-BOOS OF BLUEBERRY ELEMENTARY, illustrated by Alison Farrell. And what better way to celebrate than a fantastic author interview! Let’s get started, shall we? RGL: Welcome to Picture Book Builders, Chelsea! And HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY! What a …
TELL ME ABOUT SPACE + interview with Author Lisa Varchol Perron + a Giveaway!

Oh, do I have a treat for you all today! Allow me to introduce the amazing Lisa Varchol Perron and her fantastic just-released non-fiction rhyming board book, TELL ME ABOUT SPACE, illustrated beautifully by Jennifer Falkner and published by Little Simon. Full disclosure: The reason I know that Lisa is amazing and that this book is fantastic is …