Crunch the Shy Dinosaur by Cirocco Dunlap, illus. by Greg Pizzoli
My favorite picture books so far this year!
I smell fall! Time for ACORN WAS A LITTLE WILD, by Jen Arena & Jessica Gibson
CHALLAH DAY! + Interview with author Charlotte Offsay
TWO NEW YEARS Interview with Richard Ho and Lynn Scurfield + GIVEAWAY!
THE WALK – Interview with Winsome Bingham & a Giveaway!
How to Get Your Octopus to School by Becky Scharnhorst, illus. by Jaclyn Sinquett

Hello, Picture Book Builders people. To celebrate the start of a brand new school year, my friend and critique partner, Catherine Bailey, thought we could use a back-to-school book around here. As usual, that smartypants pal of mine is RIGHT. Please welcome Catherine and her thoughts on a book that …
HIDING~Finding Quiet in a Busy World

HIDING, written and illustrated by Kate Pugsley is subtitled, “A Story About Finding Quiet in a Busy World”. There was something captivating and refreshing about this seemingly ‘simple’ book. I put that word in semi-quotes because we all know that ‘simple’ does not mean ‘easy’, and is never really ‘simple’ …