Lucky Us!

My latest picture book crush? Lucky, by British author/illustrator David Mackintosh. Happily, David was kind enough to answer a few questions about the book. Also, ARTWORK! How much do we love that?!   Story synopsis, from the title page: When Leo’s mother announces there will be a surprise at dinner, Leo …

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Thinking About the Common Core

On a recent school visit, a Media Specialist asked how I thought the Common Core State Standards have affected children’s authors. Mmmmm … interesting question. As most everyone knows, the Common Core State Standards emphasize the importance of students reading nonfiction books (called “informational text,” which includes biographies and autobiographies, …

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Picture Book Barcode Bonanza

Last month on 100 Scope Notes, Travis Jonker shared a wonderful post called “The Art of the Picture Book Barcode.” Now I have always loved spotting a well-placed barcode on the back of a picture book. Seeing a collection of that kind of awesomeness? What more could I want?! I thought it would be …

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Breaking the Rules

I’ve found a new superhero to adore. His name? Superworm. His kooky rhyming story is written by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by Axel Scheffler. Most character-driven picture book stories follow a traditional format:      a) Main character has a problem (or goal)      b) Things happen, repeatedly, to keep him …

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Easter and Spring and a Few Picture Books

Cat just wants to be loved.  And he is kind of a…um…control freak. When he realizes how loved the Easter Bunny is he is a little put off or jealous. With his snappish back and forth with the reader (using signs, because, really, cats don’t talk) he takes us up …

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