Would you look at this cover? I did. And then I bought the book. Because not only is it a great story— IT IS— STUNNING! Mr. Lepron’s Mystery Soup is written by Giovanna Zoboli, (translated from Italian by Denise Muir). And my heavens it is magnificently illustrated by Mariachiara Di …

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The Boy and the Elephant, by Freya Blackwood

“Ahhhhhhh… yessssss,” I said out loud as I gazed at Freya Blackwoods’ hypnotically captivating cover for her stunning new picture book, The Boy and the Elephant. And one of the best surprises— after going in with those incredibly high exceptions, is that this wondrous book never let me down— not …

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BIRD REHEARSAL by Jonah Winter & Stacy Innerst

Kirkus’s review about BIRD REHEARSAL, with words by Jonah Winter and superbly illustrated by Stacy Innerst, says that reading it aloud “creates a kind of infectiously joyful mouth music.” ❤️ This is a picture book of bird song. Different birds appear spread by spread creating a building cacophony— until the …

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DANCING HANDS, The Story of Friendship in Filipino Sign Language

DANCING HANDS, The Story of Friendship in Filipino Sign Language written by Joanna Que and Charina Marquez, illustrated by Fran Alvarez, is the story of how two children become friends through Filipino sign language and simply the act of sharing, bonding, and learning how to communicate with each other. This …

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