Tag: rhyme
Celebrating my new picture book: WRITE HERE, WRITE NOW! + a GIVEAWAY!
Sleepy Snuggles + Interview with Diana Murray + a GIVEAWAY!
YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING + Interview with debut author Kelly Conroy + a GIVEAWAY!
Pigs Dig A Road + interview with author Carrie Finison + a GIVEAWAY!

I’m so excited to celebrate the book birthday of the adorable rhymer, PIGS DIG A ROAD, written by Carrie Finison and illustrated by Brian Biggs! WhooHoo! My sons would have absolutely LOVED this book when they were little as they were OBSESSED with construction equipment and trucks. (Side note: for …
The Reindeer Remainders – a tribute to (and interview with) the late Katey Howes
TELL ME ABOUT SPACE + interview with Author Lisa Varchol Perron + a Giveaway!

Oh, do I have a treat for you all today! Allow me to introduce the amazing Lisa Varchol Perron and her fantastic just-released non-fiction rhyming board book, TELL ME ABOUT SPACE, illustrated beautifully by Jennifer Falkner and published by Little Simon. Full disclosure: The reason I know that Lisa is amazing and that this book is fantastic is …
A WONDER DOGS! chat with the Wonderful Karen Obuhanych (+ Giveaway!)
A book for your bestie: WHEN I’M WITH YOU (Plus, a giveaway!)
Meet Federico and the Wolf, a master class in metered rhyme

If you’re a picture book writer — aspiring or published — you’ve likely heard someone say: “Don’t write your story in rhyme. Editors say they don’t want that.” Then, arguments often ensue, with some people talking about how rhyme helps beginning readers learn to process language, and other people talking …