Big news! My new picture book, THE MUSIC IN GEORGE’S HEAD: GEORGE GERSHWIN CREATES RHAPSODY IN BLUE, releases from Calkins Creek today. George Gershwin’s birthday is also this month (Sept. 26), so I’m glad you stopped by to celebrate this incredible composer/pianist. You can also find out where the idea for this story came from, read a wonderful interview with the fabulous illustrator Stacy Innerst, and toss your name in the hat for two fun giveaways (details below!)
So, the idea for this book suddenly appeared years ago (on the Fourth of July) when I was watching a fireworks show on my local PBS channel. During the program, Gershwin’s famous Rhapsody in Blue was playing in the background as the commentator shared interesting facts about this well-known, iconic tune. And before I knew it, I was scribbling down Gershwin facts on a scrap of paper, but I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with them. Then overnight, a story idea began percolating in my mind.
Nearly a year later (after a boatload of research, interviews with a music PhD and the Music Specialist at the Library of Congress George & Ira Gershwin Collection, and 47 revisions) I finally sent Gershwin’s story out into the publishing world. Fortunately, it didn’t take long to find the perfect home–Calkins Creek.

George Gershwin
And then Calkins found the perfect illustrator, Stacy Innerst. It was very exciting to see Stacy bring Gershwin’s story to life in a unique and colorful way. So after admiring Stacy’s work for a long time, I’m excited to ask him a few questions about his thoughts on the book.
I was thrilled when I found out you’d agreed to illustrate THE MUSIC IN GEORGE’S HEAD as I’ve been a big fan of your work for years. I’m curious, what attracted you to accept this book project?
Thank you! There was absolutely no hesitation when I read your manuscript for GEORGE. I especially liked that your story took him from childhood to adult and that I’d have the opportunity to depict an entire inspired life in a few pages. I grew up with Gershwin often being played in my house… My mother used to play Rhapsody in Blue on the piano while my brother sat on either side of her on the bench, so that music has always had a special association for me. I knew I’d love the project.
I’ve done other musically-themed books in the past and music has been a favorite subject of mine to illustrate.
The variety of blue tones in your illustrations are unique and stunning. I also adore your handwritten words sprinkled throughout the text. How did you come up with these clever design elements?
I did a lot of image research when I started the project and it kept coming back to blue. I watched the Rhapsody in Blue Fantasia film many times and looked at album covers and posters and paintings from the era and I knew that I had to limit the color pallet in that way. My original thought was to do the illustrations as those electric blue cyanotypes but I settled on painting them in acrylic, mainly with Prussian blue and raw umber to give a sense of the era.
The art director, Barbara Grzeslo, and I discussed using handwritten text for the book as I had done it in my previous book for Calkins Creek and we liked the results. I was also inspired by the way Gershwin’s handwriting looked on his musical scores. Barbara really pushed me to do much more with the handwritten passages throughout the book.
Did you encounter any special research challenges while illustrating this historical, nonfiction title?
I did. Gershwin’s compositions were inspired by a variety of forms of music including jazz, ragtime and the blues, all influenced by African American musicians. He used to hear Jazz and Blues spilling out of the Harlem clubs in his youth. His bandmates at the time of the debut performance of “Rhapsody” were all white, however. I wanted the scenes to be as accurate as possible, but there was such a color barrier in that era that I chose to depict the musicians as amalgamations of some of the African American musicians that actually inspired the music, rather than as an all white band. I think George would’ve approved.
As an author, it’s always exciting for me to watch the illustrator’s creative journey as rough sketches become finished sketches, and then colorful final art. Would you care to share photos of the fascinating progression of one spread?
Of course! Here is the thumbnail–to sketch– to finished painting process of the swirling rhapsody spread from the book. I think it’s my favorite spread because it encapsulates the music for me. Thumbnail
Final Illustration
I’m very thankful Stacy shared his creative vision and talent for this book. I adore everything about his fabulous illustrations, and it seems the book reviewers do too!
***Giveaways Info.***
Two winners will be randomly selected from those who leave a comment on this post.
One winner will receive an autographed copy of the book plus a book poster with a Teacher’s Guide on the back.
The second winner will get a live Skype Author Q & A visit for a classroom (*to enter the Skype visit giveaway, please provide school name, teacher, and grade in your comment.)
PS. If you’d like to find out more about my writing/research on this book, I did an interview for Deborah Kalb’s lovely blog today.
I love it already! And thanks for telling the story behind it, Suzanne. Can’t wait to read it.
Hi Carol! Thanks for your kind words and for stopping by our blog!
Happy book birthday! Congratulations, it looks beautiful??
Thanks for your kind wishes, Jodi! I also think Stacy created a beautiful book.
This looks awesome! Congratulations!
Thanks Pat! So glad we finally got to meet at WWMidwest Conference.
Interesting to read how this book came about. Thank you!
Glad you enjoyed the post Tina. Thanks for stopping by!
I have to see the rest of this book! That one finished shot is absolutely gorgeous! And it sounds wonderful, Suzanne. Congrats!
Thanks Jill. After reading your comment I added two more photos of the finished art to the post. Stacy’s work is so great!
Sounds like a fascinating book! Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!
Thanks so much for your encouraging words. I hope you enjoy the book!
As a lover of music & the written word, this book speaks to me! Wow!
And I must say, Stacy’s art somehow combined the written word and Gershwin’s music in a magical way!
Bringing this up to the top of my list! It looks lovely!
Thanks Kevan! Hope you enjoy it.
I love picture book biographies and Calkins Creek has some great ones. I am looking forward to reading yours.
I so agree, Calkins Creek creates amazing pb biographies. I’m so grateful to do this book with them!
I love his music! Can’t wait to read the book! Thanks!
It’s amazing how many songs Gershwin wrote in his short life. I adore all his music too!
Gershwin was a musical genius. Thanks for sharing his story with future generations.
So true — he was a musical genius. Imagine how many more tunes he would have written if he hadn’t died so young at the age of 38. Thanks for stopping by!
This book looks as lovely as Rhapsody sounds. And thanks for inspiring my morning writing soundtrack. 🙂
Hi Lindsay! So glad you enjoyed the link to Rhapsody in Blue. I was hoping readers would click it, then listen as they read the post!
What a great idea for a picture book biography – congrats!
Thanks Janet! It’s so interesting to me to see where book ideas come from–usually the most surprising, unexpected places!
Congrats! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Katie, So glad you stopped by the blog and enjoyed the post.
What a beautiful and informative biography supported by extensive research! Well done. I hope you sell thousands of books!
The research was a lot of fun as well (though I did stalk the music specialist at the LOC Gershwin collection a wee bit!)
Congratulations! Look forward to seeing this book!
Hi Erin, Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the book!
I need to see this!
I would love to win the Skype visit for my daughter’s classroom (I am the volunteer media specialist for her class): Kenny Community School in Minneapolis, Megan Hardesty’s 1st grade class.
Thanks for stopping by. You’re entered in the Skype author visit drawing. Good luck!
Congratulations, Suzanne & Stacy–this looks gorgeous! Loved hearing a bit about the process for both of you, and what fabulous reviews. Bravo!
Thanks for your kind words, Linda! It was a fun book to work on and I’m so grateful for the positive reviews.
Happy book birthday! And thanks for the fascinating interview. I can’t wait to read the whole book!
So glad you enjoyed the interview. I did too! Hope you enjoy the book!
Love the way the soaring, swirling keyboards surround your beautiful text. Congratulations Suzanne and Stacy!
I agree. Stacy created many unique, expressive illustrations for this book. So grateful he signed onto the project! Thanks for your kind words and for stopping by Cathy!
I have a fondness for biographies about composers and musicians and this one stands out for it’s beautiful story and illustrations. I can’t wait to check it out at the library.
I would love to win a Skype visit for our local school, Leewood K-8, in Miami, FL, for the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade classes that visit Leewood’s library and librarian, Karen Turelli.
I love bios too! Hope you enjoy the book, and you’re entered in the Skype author visit drawing. Good luck!
Great interview! I would love to win the Skype visit for my daughter’s class. Hillsdale Elementary in Meridian Idaho. 5th Grade, Mrs. Heathcock.
Glad you enjoyed the interview. You’re entered in the Skype author visit drawing. Good luck!
Congratulations, Suzanne and Stacy. The book about fantastic George sounds fantastic. I’m looking forward to reading this wonderful new story.
Thanks for your kind comments Dorothy. I hope you enjoy the book!
I can’t wait to learn the story behind this great piece of music. It looks amazing!
I found it very interesting the way Gershwin wove together different kinds of styles/types of music he loved from his childhood and beyond to create Rhapsody in Blue. Hope you do too!
One of my favorite composers. Looking forward to reading your book!
Thanks for stopping by the blog Judy! Hope you enjoy the book.
LOVE Gershwin — what a fabulous subject! Thanks for sharing!
The more I learned about Gershwin’s short life, the more I became fascinated by him (never would have guessed he was such a clothes horse!) Thanks for visiting Picture Book Builders!
Wow! I can’t wait to see these illustrations in person. I’m so excited for both of you and congratulations on the fabulous reviews!
Jenks Southeast Elementary School, Tulsa, OK, 4th grade, Dina McClellan
Hi Tracy, Thanks for stopping by! I think you’ll really enjoy seeing the illustrations in the book. You’re entered in the Skype author visit drawing. Good luck!
Sounds like an amazing book!
Thanks so much for your kind words, Kate!
Congratulations! I love nonfiction, especially biographies. Can’t wait to read this one!
You and me both. Nf bios. are my favorite. Hope you enjoy the book!
This looks delightful. I love, love, love all those blues. And browns.
Thanks for your kind words Eve. Yes, Stacy’s blue/blown palette created outstanding illustrations for the book!
This book looks fabulous! Congratulations!
Thanks for your kind comment, Myrna, and for stopping by the blog!
The rhythm of Gershwin’s music swirls around on each page! What a lovely book!
You are so sweet Kathy! Thanks for your kind comments about the book.
This looks like a lovely book. Thanks for the post and the chance to win.
I appreciate you stopping in and am glad you liked the post. Good luck on the contest!
Absolutely stunning! Congratulations to you both!
Thanks for your encouraging words Donna, and for stopping by the blog!
I can hardly wait to hold this book in my hands and add it to my picture book library! It looks and sounds wonderful! I love picture books made by creatives about creative process and living a creative life!
I hope you enjoy the book Carole, and I love your creative comment!
I am TOTALLY fascinated by this! Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy. Thanks so much!
Thanks for your kind comment, Joanne. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy reading about how Gershwin created Rhapsody in Blue.
Thanks for writing such a beautiful book, Suzanne!
You are the best!
So beautiful–can’t wait to read this one. Congrats on all the fabulous reviews!
Thanks for your kind words Lori. Hope you enjoy the book!
I am going from here to my e-mail to ask my indie bookseller to get two copies, one for me and one for my grandchildren! Love Gershwin’s music, have played it for many years, even on vinyl!! The art looks wonderful and am looking forward to reading your story! Congratulations!
Margaret you are so sweet! I hope your precious grandchildren enjoy the book. Perhaps you can play your vinyl copy of Rhapsody in Blue for them too! Thanks for stopping by!
Happy book birthday, Suzanne. I love how you were inspired to write it. And the illustrations look gorgeous. Definitely a must read!
Thanks for your kind words Patricia, and glad you like the post. Also, thanks for the tweets!
I’ll be looking to get my hands on this book. It sounds interesting and looks beautiful!
Thanks for stopping by, and hope you can find the book in your library! I appreciate you kind comments.
Just put this on my library list. I can’t wait to read this.
Aren’t libraries the best? I also have a pile of books I’ve requested waiting for pick up. Hope you enjoy the book!
As a fan of Public Broadcast System, I love haring that your idea came from the PBS channel. I look forward to reading this wonderful book.
It seems book ideas are everywhere, and PBS is a great place to find them. Actually, your comments reminds me I saw a PBS documentary years ago about a sports subject I thought would make for a great pb. Now if I could only find the time to research and write it!
This book looks terrific. Congrats!
Thanks for your encouragement Cindy! I appreciate you stopping by Picture Book Builders for a visit.
Thanks for sharing the creative process!
And thank you Sandi for stopping by! I’m glad you enjoyed the post.
Congratulations! What a beautiful book. I can’t wait to read it.
Thanks Janet! I appreciate you stopping by the blog for a visit.
Suzanne, what fun to read about how you were “drawn” into writing this wonderful bio. I am interested, also, because I have heard the common advice that a cradle-to-grave biography is not what editors/agents look for, so i am very thrilled to use GEORGE for a mentor text study. The look into your amazing illustrator partner’s process is very important for me as a writer only. I am never sure how many art notes to include. TY for this post and the giveaway opportunity. Stacy’s art fits this project perfectly.
HI Kathy, Thanks for your encouraging comments. I try to look for the most important events I want to share with readers as I determine how much of the subject’s life to include in story. Each subject is different with their own unique life events, so the timespan I cover, and the amount of details, varies greatly with each book. As far as art notes, I only include them if I think the art should share something important to the story which is not conveyed in the text, and that isn’t very often. Best of luck, and hope you enjoy reading GEORGE!
You had me at the title, Suzanne! And I love posts where we get the inside peek at production…especially from the illustrator’s desk…wonderful post…thank you so much!
Glad you liked the title Vivian. The editor and I considered many ideas, but in the end thought this title was best. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for stopping by!
Gorgeous book & wonderful interview. Love the blue!
I appreciate your kind comments Chana and am glad you enjoyed the interview. I like the blues too!
Happy Book Birthday, Suzanne and Stacy! It was so nice to hear the inspiration and work behind the story. Love the blue tones throughout the illustrations!
Hey Patti!
Thanks for your well wishes and I’m glad you liked the post. Stacy was so creative with his color palettes. Thank goodness for illustrators!
Oh my goodness! This sounds like an amazing book. I can’t wait to read it! Congratulations on getting this amazing story published!
Can’t wait to read…looks interesting!
I love the illustrations, and I’m always looking for beautiful, music-themed picture books for the beloved music teachers in my life.
What a lovely book and such an informative post! Can’t wait to get this book!
I really enjoyed reading this post (of course I’m partial:) and truly think the whimsy of the text and images will inspire many kids.
Happy book birthday, Suzanne!! I love the cover so much, and am really looking forward to reading this one :). Congrats!
I am blown away by this!
Congratulations. 🙂
LOVE Rhapsody in Blue!! And, I’m a big supporter of getting kids into music anyway I can. Thanks for this post!
HUGE congrats, Suzanne!! This book looks so amazing, and I can’t wait to get it. I loved your interview with Stacy, and thank you both so much for sharing.