COUNTDOWN: 2979 DAYS TO THE MOON (+Giveaways!)

It seems some story ideas take longer than others to turn into books. COUNTDOWN: 2979 DAYS TO THE MOON (illustrated by Thomas Gonzalez) was one of those ideas. Ironically, my journey to create this book was about 2979 days. And it’s finally releasing tomorrow—September 1st! Of course, the “2979 Days” subtitle doesn’t refer …

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MANY reasons to love “Many, The Diversity of Life on Earth”

Many: the Diversity of Life on Earth, written by Nicola Davies and illustrated by Emily Sutton is full of many wonderful things. I am obsessed with Emily Sutton’s illustrations. They carry me back to my beloved Golden Books with their gentle palettes and decorative layouts. A combo of Mary Blair …

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Back to School with Busy Bus & an interview with Jody Jensen Shaffer!

Think writing a simple concept book is easy? Not. First, you have to come up with a topic to capture the interest of preschoolers. Then you have to get into the head space and emotions of a three or four year old. Always, you’re reminding yourself to keep it simple …

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