THE SUPERLATIVE A. LINCOLN Author Interview (+SWAG Offer!)

Woo hoo! Today we celebrate a magnificent picture book releasing soon, The Superlative A. Lincoln, plus an author interview with Eileen Meyer, and an incredible SWAG offer. (Really!) Glad you’re here to join in the fun! So let’s get to those questions …   Q. Can you tell us about the …

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DARING DOZEN (+Giveaway)

Do you know how many people have walked on the moon? (Hint: check out the post title.) That’s right! Only twelve astronauts—ever—have visited our beautiful moon. You’ve probably heard a lot about the moon’s first guests, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, and their famous Apollo 11 landing. Yet most people …

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Start school with Sally Derby’s A NEW SCHOOL YEAR

I know. I KNOW. It feels like summer vacation just started. You’ve barely cleaned out your kid’s backpack from this past year. You still have friends’ graduation parties to attend. You haven’t even taken a vacation. But the calendar does not lie, my friend. Now that July 4 has passed …

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Story to Contract: A PBB Reader’s Incredible Journey

Today I’m thrilled to celebrate the success of one of our faithful Picture Book Builders readers, Traci Sorell, who just sold her first picture book! YEA! I first met Traci through our blog when she won a free manuscript critique by me after commenting on my Sept. 8, 2015 post. Every writer’s path to …

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The Secret is Out: The Inventor’s Secret releases today (plus a unique give-away!)

Okay, so what are the odds? I post once a month on Picture Book Builders, and this month my turn fell on September 8, the release date of my newest book, The Inventor’s Secret: What Thomas Edison Told Henry Ford.  (By the way, my son calculated the odds of this …

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FEATHERS: A Picture Book That Really Flies!

Hi! I’m excited to be joining the merry band of picture book writers and illustrators on Picture Book Builders. Writing nonfiction is my thing, so I’ll be chatting about inspiring nonfiction picture books in my posts. And here we go! Last week I was excited to find the new picture …

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Book Birthday and a Giveaway!

  Welcome, Rabbi Benjamin’s Buttons! I just got to celebrate a book birthday. Rabbi Benjamin’s Buttons, written by Alice B. McGinty, published by Charlesbridge Publishing, launched just a month ago. Books take so darn long to make ( I was offered the manuscript on my own birthday,  in October, 2011), holding the finished …

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