Confession: I am not a confident swimmer. As a kid, I had lessons at the Y, but I never quite developed the breathing skills necessary to be more than a minnow. Well, I could save myself. Probably.
As I paged through Lisl Detlefsen’s new picture book, 1, 2, 3, JUMP! (Roaring Brook, illus by Madeline Valentine) it all came rushing back: baby-stepping into the pool area, the acrid smell of chlorine heavy in the air. Whistles warning reckless runners. A stranger beckoning me to have a seat on the puddled edge while my heart hammered.

Trust me, this how-to book PERFECTLY captures the trepidation of a kiddo who’s facing swimming lessons for the first time. See her, there on the cover? And, boy, I FELT the MC’s emotions throughout her experience. She is me.
The brilliance of Detlefsen’s approach is that she acknowledges those very real fears while injecting a note of wink-wink humor that––along with Madeline Valentine’s bright, breezy illustrations––manages to lighten those fears without minimizing them in any way. Look:

Lisl was kind enough to consent to an interview.
JE: Lisl, this book zaps me right back to my childhood and lessons at the YMCA. Every note of this how-to rings true. So…what sparked this idea for you?

LD: The idea was initially sparked by Kate Jacobs, my wonderful editor from my first published book, TIME FOR CRANBERRIES. Back in 2015, a few months before CRANBERRIES’ publication, Kate and I were e-mailing about book release details and I mentioned that I hoped we’d find another project to work on together in the future and asked if she had any picture book ideas on her manuscript wish list. (I remember having to summon a lot of courage to ask this as I was a new, not-quite-published author!) To my great delight, she replied that she had a project in mind that might be just right for me. Kate later followed up with an e-mail to both me and my literary agent explaining her hope to do a book about swimming lessons. She described her own childhood swimming memories—the distinctive smell of the chlorine, the bravery required to push off the wall and into the deep end, etc.—and this really resonated with me, both because of my own childhood experiences and because at that time, I was spending one evening a week poolside at my local YMCA while my two sons were taking swim lessons.
Before writing, I did a little research, as I often do to see what else exists on a particular topic. I looked for other picture books about swimming lessons online and at my local library and was surprised to discover how few current ones were out there at that time. Swimming lessons is such a common childhood experience—and such an important one for water safety—and I became very invested in moving forward with the idea.
JE: Gutsy move! Cool that it paid off in such a satisfying way. Please elaborate on your process as you wrote this one. Was it easy or difficult to get it exactly right?
LD: Because the idea came directly from an editor I had worked with before, this was a much different writing and submission process than has been my typical experience. Even so, my initial idea did evolve: While discussing the project with Kate on the phone for the first time, I quickly discovered that my first thought for how to approach the story was exactly what she didn’t want to see. So, I thought about how I could take it in a sillier, more energetic direction while also addressing some of the more common fears children can have when learning to swim—or trying anything new—for the first time. I began writing it as a tongue-in-cheek instruction manual using the second person narrative style that is ultimately in the finished book and really liked that concept. Thankfully, so did Kate! Then, of course, came the long, hard wait to hear anything about who would illustrate the project. Thankfully, Madeline Valentine’s gorgeous art was well worth waiting for: she used such a beautiful palette and perfectly captured everything from the movement of the water to the apprehension of our main character.

JE: I’ll say! The illustrations are cheerful and whimsical, and I think that really helps lighten the MC’s fright (along with your text)–not in a way that diminishes it, but in a way that somehow gives it less power. By the way, I love how you keep withholding the coveted flippers. Is that nugget based on real-life swim lessons, did that come to you later in the process as a thread you could weave through the story?
LD: I’m so delighted you noticed and like the use of flippers! As I worked on the story, it became clear that the main character needed a carrot of sorts to help motivate her to get into the pool. I had always wanted to try flippers as a kid—they looked like so much fun, and what better way to pretend to be a shark or a mermaid than flippers?!—so I incorporated them into the story. In a lovely case of life imitating art, this past winter I was on vacation with my family and my boys desperately wanted to get flippers from the nearby general store to use in the ocean. For obvious reasons, I got on board with this request pretty quickly and they had a blast wearing them in the water for the rest of the trip. My oldest son’s feet are currently the same size as mine, so I talked him into loaning me his pair for a bit and seized the opportunity to finally try out flippers myself. I’m happy to report that the experience was every bit as fun as I’d hoped!
JE: Flippers: I could never resist them either! I needed nose plugs to use them, though. 😉 What’s next for you?
LD: 2019 is an exciting spring for me because I have two new books out: 1, 2, 3, JUMP! and RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE, my table-to-farm picture book about where food comes from, deliciously illustrated by Renée Kurilla. With that title, I’ve been enjoying opportunities to travel and speak to kids and adults about the importance of books about agriculture.
In terms of WIPs, I have recently been focused on revising a novel manuscript that is very close to my heart. However, my first love is writing picture books and I have some new ones in various stages that are slated for release in the next few years, including a picture book with zippy language for the vehicle-obsessed called On the Go Awesome, to be illustrated by Robert Neubecker and scheduled for release in fall of 2020.
Lots going on! Congratulations, Lisl. And thanks for dropping by to give us the scoop on JUMP! Readers, you can learn more about Lisl Detlefsen and her books on her website, here. Meanwhile, enter to WIN a copy of 1, 2, 3, JUMP! How? Just leave a comment below! (Note: Contest open only to those living in the U.S. or Canada.)
Jill Esbaum
This book looks like so much fun — can’t wait to jump into it! (Sorry, couldn’t resist!)
🙂 Thanks for reading, Kim!
Thank you, Kim! Can’t wait for readers to dive in! (See, it’s contagious!) 😉
Great interview, Jill and Lisl! This reminds of a young almost there swimmer in my house. ? Can’t wait to read it!
He’d enjoy it, Traci! It speaks directly to the young reader in such a fun way.
Thank you, Traci! I hope your young swimmer enjoys it.
Congratulations, Lisa. Yes, this immediately conjures so many memories. A very universal experience for many, clearly captured well in your story!
Thank you, Jennifer! It was fun to remember my own swim lessons days.
So cute! I can’t wait to read it. It’s going on my list of mentor texts as well!
Wow, thank you, Tracy!
I can’t wait to read this one. I’m going to have my oldest learn how to swim this summer. Every since I started reading to him, I found books to go along with his everyday experiences. And this sounds perfect for this experience.
Thank you! Good luck to your oldest (and you) as you begin your swimming experience! 🙂
What a great, universal idea! I so admire your bravery in asking, and the results look incredible! Can’t wait to read it. Congratulations!
Thank you! Sometimes courage pays off. 🙂
Looks like 1, 2, 3 countdown to fun! Wishing Lisl much success in her jump 🙂
Thanks, Lynne! Hope readers enjoy diving into the book, he he!
Congrats, Lisl! Sounds like a great book.
Thanks, Susan!
0h how I remember outdoor swimming lessons! Always the coldest of summer mornings!
Outdoor lessons definitely bring their own challenges—brrrr!
Wow, that is a lot going on! But sounds like so many good books I’ll have to be sure my local library purchases! Can’t wait to read 1, 2, 3 Jump!
Thank you, Debra—I hope you and your local library both like it!
Working with an editor for the second time can give you support that working with one for the first time can’t. It must have been a great experience, and the result looks enticing and humorous. Kids love silly. Congratulations!
Thanks, Kathy! (I love silly, too!)
Can’t wait to savor more humor on the topic and see better how the illustrations and words work together. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Susan!
So proud of you Lisl. I’m sure this book will make a big splash!
Thank you, Cindy! Always thankful for your support. ❤️
Very cute! And I too love the power of flippers!!
Flippers for everyone! 🙂
Can’t ‘wade’ to ‘dive’ into this story! Love the way the illos balance the fun and fear experienced at both ends of the swimming spectrum!
Thank you, Cathy! Can’t wait for you to dive in!
This looks like mentor text for me, as I try to learn how to balance the text with leaving room for the illustrator to help show the story. Thank you for the interview and congrats on a fun book to read.
Thank you so much! I hope you find it fun and helpful.
Oh boy! I can identify with this child. I was always the last one in. And I could never jump off the high dive.
Thanks, Kathy! (No high dive for me, either! Eek!)
How fun…thanks for sharing!
Thank you!
Great interview, Jill. And cute idea for a book that every child can relate to, Lisl!
Thanks, Mary!
I’ve got butterflies in my stomach thinking about having to jump in the cold pool and put my face in the water! Fortunately, I overcame my fear and love swimming with my flippers! I’m sure tons of kids will identify with Lisl’s MC and laugh at her humor! Thanks for the good interview, Jill.
Hooray for flippers! 🙂
Boy, can I relate to this story!
Thanks, Lori!
Swim lessons. Such a great topic. Love the humor and the illustrations. Congratulations!
Thank you, Mary!
Thanks Jill and Lisl! This is such a fun interview and a fantastic sounding book. I look forward to reading it. Brings back memories!
Thanks, Mary—I hope you enjoy the book!
I remember flippers! I loved them and loved trying to walk on land with them. What a challenge.
I’m so glad you got the courage to ask your editor about her wish list. That gives me courage too.
I cannot wait to get a hold of this book.
Thanks, Cassie! Hooray for flippers—-and courage, too! 😉
Great interview! I actually failed my first swim test and had to re-take the class. I’ll bet if I’d had flippers as an incentive, I’d have passed with flying colors! I’m excited to read this charming book!
Thank you, Judy! Points to you for perseverance!
Looks like a fun story. My grands are just beginning swim lessons at the Y. They will enjoy this!
Thank you and good luck to your grands, Susan!
Wonderful interview! I was a grown up when I learned to swim so I really empathize! Congratulations!!!
Thank you, Vijaya! Learning something new is a challenge no matter a person’s age. (I now picture Madeline’s illustration of our main character when I’m nervous to try something new!)
Thanks for the great interview. This book looks adorable
Thank you, Cindy!
This looks adorable!
Great interview Jill and Lisl! I loved hearing the story behind this book and am looking forward to reading 1,2 3, Jump! Kudos, Lisl . . . wishing you much success!!
Thank you, Judy! I appreciate your kind support! 🙂
Sounds like the perfect book for my 3year old granddaughter
Thanks, Sara! I hope your granddaughter enjoys it!
I needed this story when I was a kid – I hated swimming lessons! Kudos to you for being brave and asking your editor what was on her wish list. Another great lesson. 🙂
Thank you, Debbie! I needed this story as a kid, too, which is, perhaps, one reason I enjoyed writing it.
Congrats, Lisl! I love that you asked your editor–we need to be bold and do more of this:).
Thank you, Rochelle! Being (politely!) bold can pay off. 🙂
Looks like the perfect summer book!
Thanks, Claire! I’m ready for summer weather!
Love it! I can see that a few of my grands need to read this one. Congratulations!
Thank you, Angie! Hope your grands enjoy it.
How fun! I hope this book makes a big splash. 🙂
Thank you, Tammi! I hope so, too.
What a fabulous interview! I loved hearing about how the book came about. Thanks, Jill, and congratulations, Lisl–1,2,3 JUMP looks wonderful (great title too)!