5 Book Giveaway~Sometimes You Fly!

Sometimes You Fly, written by Katherine Applegate and illustrated by me, is now a beautiful padded board book!

Today, this pretty book flies into the world. The production of it is just stunning. It feels good to hold and it sits all by itself like a little block.

The smaller format feels sturdy and strong. Katherine’s profound poetry offers meaningful encouragement for overcoming life’s hurdles, whether big or small.

At it’s lower-than-a-picture-book-price it’s not much more expensive than a greeting card. Which makes it, with its inspiring “life is about the journey” message, a meaningful gift for graduates.

Our family, like many others, is mourning the loss of being able to celebrate a graduation. To highlight this special book’s birthday, I would like to send 5 copies to reach graduates who will not be able to commemorate this milestone with an event.

Mention in the comments below if you have a graduate who will not attend a graduation ceremony this year. I will randomly pick 5 winners and announce them in my post on May 12.

For anyone who would like to order this uplifting book (or any book), I encourage you to please, please, PLEASE support and order through your local bookstore. They really need our help right now.

We will all continue to celebrate life’s happy accomplishments in new and memorable ways.

Congratulations to the class of 2020, you will fly!

Jennifer Black Reinhardt

Jennifer is the illustrator and author of several acclaimed picture books. Most recently is MOVING DAY, written by Teri Roche Drobnick, which she illustrated. Jennifer wrote and illustrated, Always by My Side, 'A Stuffie Story'. She also is both the author and illustrator of Playing Possum, and Blue Ethel. Jennifer illustrated Gondra’s Treasure, written by Newbery award winner Linda Sue Park. As well as, Sometimes You Fly, by Newbery medalist, Katherine Applegate. She illustrated Yaks Yak, Animal Word Pairs by Linda Sue Park, Fishtastic!, by Tess Weaver, The Inventor's Secret, What Thomas Edison Told Henry Ford, by Suzanne Slade, Rabbi Benjamin's Buttons, by Alice B. McGinty, and The Adventures of a South Pole Pig, by Chris Kurtz.


  1. Kim Pfennigwerth

    This would be perfect for a niece who is missing all her senior year moments!

  2. My daughter, Sophia, whose accomplishments are long, is still the most grounded, kind, best big AND little sister, my wife and I could ask for. She is taking this whole stressful and disappointing period in stride and is looking forward to what college has in store.

  3. Deborah A Buschman

    Such a beautiful book. Wonderful message.

    • Thank you, Deborah. I’m so happy that you like it. Thanks for visiting our blog!

    • My oldest will be graduating College this year. Don’t enter me as there are many other more deserving grads. He is not devastated to miss Ceremonies but his Mom is. I will be purchasing this book for him. I love it’s beautiful message and the illustrations are the best!

  4. Perfect book! I have two nieces that are both missing senior moments! One is a special needs young lady who does not even understand why she cannot go to prom or graduation. Thanks so much for sharing these books!

  5. I am not entering anyone in the giveaway, but I want to thank you for doing this. 2020 is not the senior year so many of our young people looked forward to. Kudos to you for making it better!

  6. My nephew is missing his graduation, would love to give him a copy. Book looks great!

  7. What a perfect book for this challenging time. My nephew is graduating from 8th grade.

  8. Such an uplifting book! Congrats and thank you. 🙂

  9. Sheri Delgado Preston

    What a special book. And much needed right now. My older son would’ve been walking to receive a certificate from his Technical College. It’s such an accomplishment for him as he navigates college with high functioning autism. We’re so proud of him. Thank you for writing this book Katherine:)

  10. Danielle Hammelef

    I’ve seen this beautiful book and thought about getting it for the grads here. Unfortunately we have two graduates in this house that are missing out on their ceremonies and getting their names called to walk across the stage. Thank you for the chance to win a copy in a time of tears and heartbreak in our house.

  11. Lovely book and message. Congratulations!

  12. What a LOVELY gesture, Jen! And what a beautiful board book!

  13. You compassion in thinking about these kids who are missing out on such a special event in their lives is heartwarming. And I’m certain the lucky winners will be forever grateful. So very kind of you!

  14. Jennifer Dieleman

    What a tender and sweet little book. I love the illustrations. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  15. Jennifer Lane Wilson

    My daughter, Eleanor, is sad to miss her graduation from college this May, as well as her final season as a track athlete. So many losses of different sorts for many people during this time. Thank you for brightening the day of five lucky grads!

  16. Overwhelming losses. Thank you, Jennifer, for stopping by PBB and entering to win a book. Congratulations to Eleanor!

  17. This will make graduation so much happier for all of our grads who are so sad to miss their big celebrations. I can’t wait to see the book. It sounds beautiful in this format and so meaningful too. Congrats, Jen!

  18. My granddaughter will miss her high school graduation this May. She has worked so hard and taken many AP classes during her years in school. She is looking forward to going to Honors College in the fall.
    Thank you for having this book available to make missing one of life’s milestones a little easier!

  19. What a beautiful book! Congratulations!!!
    Our son’s best friend will not have a graduation celebration and if I win, he’s going to be the recipient. Thank you for being so generous!

  20. I don’t have a grad to nominate but thank you for this kind, thoughtful gift to others. I can’t wait to read your book.

  21. So beautiful! I love the format.

    • Thank you, Lenora! HMH did a wonderful job and the way the picture book is laid out works really well as a board book. Thank you for visiting and commenting!

      • My granddaughter is to graduate this year. She had already bought her prom dress and was looking forward to track season, prom and graduation. She wasn’t in school the day that they sent everyone home so she still has materials and stuff in her locker. A friend of hers grabbed her clarinet on his way out. I will be buying the book regardless if she is picked or not Looking forward to reading it myself

  22. No grad to enter but the board book is lovely and I admire your thoughtfulness for the 2020 graduates.

  23. My daughter inlaws brother was graduating in may but kansas closed their schools while everybody was on spring break. Canceling graduation ceromonies too

  24. My son will graduate from College on May 9th without any fanfare & with little to no prospects on jobs after graduation at this time.

  25. Our college senior will not have a graduation ceremony to attend this year, sadly. He will, however, remember the ending to his senior year more vividly, perhaps, than most. For that, we are thankful. Thanks for offering the opportunity to enter the drawing for this amazing story and book!

  26. We will all look to celebrate in new and creative ways. Congratulations to your son, Amy! And thank you for visiting PBB!

  27. My son will be missing his high school graduation. Thanks for honoring and remembering these kids!

  28. Monika Seelig Ruiz

    I have our youngest child who really looked forward (and still has hope) to walking across the stage to receive her High school diploma this year. She wanted her brothers to be there cheering her on as she did several years back. She’s going to be okay because she’s a trooper! Thank you for this opportunity to possible get this beautiful book to share with her!

  29. I’m sorry for your daughter to miss that opportunity. Congratulations to her regardless of a stage or not! Thank you for visiting us at PBB!

  30. My son is missing his 5th grade promotion. This is an elementary rite of passage. He began practicing his 5th grade speech at the end of 4th grade. Hard time.

  31. Loved this book the minute I saw it!

  32. Thanks Jennifer, what a beautiful book! My niece is missing her graduation this year and we were just discussing what we can do for a gift.

  33. I love the looks and the size of the book plus text and illustrations so many parts to a picture book. good Job!

    • Thank you, Terri! HMH did a wonderful job and the book just feels so nice to hold. A few of the interior spreads that were in the picture book had to be cropped to be one page. But the book works quite well in this format (I think). Thank you for your kind words!

  34. People in the Kidlit world DO have the most generous hearts!!!

  35. My granddaughter is to graduate this year. She had already bought her prom dress and was looking forward to track season, prom and graduation. She wasn’t in school the day that they sent everyone home so she still has materials and stuff in her locker. A friend of hers grabbed her clarinet on his way out. I will be buying the book regardless if she is picked or not Looking forward to reading it myself

  36. The boy who made me an Auntie, Nathan, is missing out this year on his graduation ceremony. So hard for these seniors!

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