It has been YEARS since I posted about my love for a well-placed barcode on the back of a picture book. This was the initial post. Welcome to Picture Book Barcode Bonanza Part 2!
I was inspired to gather more of these barcode wonders because of the wild joy I got from seeing the final art for my upcoming book with Troy Cummings called One Sheep, Two Sheep. Our editor, Meredith Mundy, had asked if I had any suggestions for the back cover. Did I ever! Since sheep (and other things) keep jumping over a fence in the book, I said, “Wouldn’t it be great if sheep were jumping over the barcode?!” Happily, the fine folks at Abrams Appleseed agreed.
Check out this little beauty:

And take a look at all of these special barcode treats, too.
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Car
written by Kate Dopirak and illustrated by Mary Peterson
The barcode is a road sign.

Let Me Finish!
written by Minh Lê and illustrated by Isabel Roxas
The barcode is being carried by a ridiculously adorable bear.

There’s a Giraffe in My Soup
written and illustrated by Ross Burach
The barcode serves as a great spot for a koala to take a nap.

Two Many Birds
written and illustrated by Cindy Derby
This book is filled with signs, so it only makes sense that the barcode gets to be on one, too.

Find Fergus
written and illustrated by Mike Boldt
The barcode serves as a not-so-great hiding spot.

Please let me know if you discover any extra special barcodes in your picture book collection!

Congratulations to Jennifer Hunt! She won a signed copy of Not Now, Cow, written by Tammi Sauer and illustrated by Troy Cummings.
I had never really looked at the barcode “art” before! Now I will be looking at the barcode placements!
Ok. The sheep jumping over the barcode is adorable. Now I’ll have to look for all the barcodes like I look for The Undies.
Really cute! I can take a nap anywhere so I could probably take a nap on a barcode just like the koala.
Such a fun post! I’m off to look at barcodes on my books.
What a fun post. Those are such clever barcode integrations. I love the Find Fergus one- so cute?
Who knew? So fun and informative! I’m on the hunt for barcodes.
Yep, now I have to scan my bookshelf to see how barcodes are utilized. What fun! 🙂
Love incorporating the barcode into the art -great idea! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Such a small gesture to creatively present the bar code! I’ll be looking at them more closely too!
Gotta love a fun barcode. I’ll be on the lookout.
Looking forward to looking at barcodes now. Fun post!
The creativity in picture book production/design continues to amaze me! Thanks, Tammi, for pointing out this gem of a detail!
I love these illustration/barcode ideas! They are so clever and fun!
Who says ISBN’s can’t be fun? Love these!
Cloudette always a favorite of mine.
I love how publishers (and often authors or illustrators) will find unique ways to display a book’s barcode. I will keep these ideas in mind! Thanks for sharing!
Holey moley! I never noticed bar codes before.
What fun!
I love the barcode art!! I, too, never took notice of the backs of books. Now I want to run to the library and pull all the books off the shelf to inspect them for BARCODE ART!
I love this post!! Cloudette written and illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld includes a great use of the barcode as well.
This was really fun, Tammi. I want to play with barcodes too, now.
Oh Brilliant! I’ll be on the lookout for those special barcodes in the wild. And now I add barcode easter eggs in my future books to my personal dream list….ahhhhhh.
I’ve never even thought about this! Now I’m on the lookout. ? Fun post, Tammi!!
OK. Now I shall be on the lookout for all the barcodes. I love this!!!
Oh, that is too cool! Now I’ll have to watch barcodes! If I were an illustrator (I am NOT), I would love to create book-specific barcodes. Fun!
Hah! Thanks for opening my eyes to the joys of barcode spotting!
Oh, these are delightful! Thanks for sharing!
And I must admit, I do shudder when I see a library barcode
violating the design of a book’s cover. And yes, I am a former
children’s librarian . . . ps: I’ll always be a writer . . .
It’s not a barcode, but the googly eyes in the “gb” on the back of Little Golden Books was pretty cool.
How fun! I’ll pay more attention!