I like picture books. I also like libraries. So, it stands to reason that I’d really like a picture book about a library.
And, I do like DEAR LIBRARIAN, a new book by Lydia Sigwarth and Romina Galotta from Farrar Straus Giroux. It’s based on Lydia’s childhood and the time period when her large family had trouble finding housing. During that time, Lydia spent hours every day in the local library where she and her family could be safe and warm and have their own space. And, the book is about Lydia’s relationship with the children’s librarian there who took an interest in her. That interest inspired Lydia to go on to become a children’s librarian herself, bringing the circle to a delightful close.

Lydia joins Picture Book Builders to talk about how her book came to be.
Congratulations on your first book! You had a slightly different path to publication than some authors. Tell us about it!
I did! After I was on “This American Life” in December 2018 my editor, Elizabeth Lee, contacted me and asked if I wanted to turn my story into a book, and of course I said yes! Everything was a little backward because I got an editor first, then a manuscript, then a contract and THEN an agent.
How hard – or easy – was it to write a picture book that was based on your life experiences? How did you decide what to include and what not to? Did you alter anything to make for a stronger story?
There were elements that were easier – I didn’t have to think too much about plot or characters – but it was hard to condense a year of my life down to 800 words. A few people had to be condensed into a fictional “Cousin Alice” character, and the timeline was streamlined but, otherwise, it’s pretty accurate to reality.

What did you learn writing this book?
As any debut author learns, publishing is slow moving! DEAR LIBRARIAN was a 2.5-year project. I was awed by how many people it takes to get a book from a Word doc to bookstore shelves. My team was fantastic, and it was such privilege to meet so many people who are so passionate and talented.
I know it’s early – your book just came out June 1 – but what feedback have you heard so far?
Well, I know DEAR LIBRARIAN has made a lot of people cry! Which is a funny thing to be proud of, I guess? But, I’m honored to know it’s touched people’s hearts. Everyone also has been very complimentary of Romina Galotta’s illustrations, which has been wonderful to see, because Romina is vastly talented. I was so lucky to be able to work with her.
Were you able to process your own book when it arrived at the library you work at? Put it on the shelf? Was that cool?
It was quite a moment when I was able to add DEAR LIBRARIAN to our library system. Inputting myself as an author was a surreal experience.
I also created a Storywalk for the book, which was a BIZARRE experience, because I had to cut up my book just after finally seeing it put together for the first time!
What are you working on now?
I’ve got a couple things cooking but nothing to share just yet! I’ve worked with children my entire life, so I’ve been storing up stories for years. Coming from a big family means lots of family lore to pull from, as well. I love books that make for fun story time read-alouds, so I’ve got a few of those in the works, too!
And, this is not a book-specific question, but how did the pandemic impact your library? How are you recovering, and what do you want to tell library patrons in general?
We were at partial services from March 2020 until May 2021. But now, thanks to the magic of science, we’re back to full staffing and services! It was a rough year, and I missed my library kids SO much. We’re easing back into story times and programs and trying to figure out the “new normal,” so please be patient with us and know we’re trying our best.
Thank you, Lydia!
I hope all you Picture Book Builders’ readers get the chance to check out this book.
Tell us your favorite library or librarian memories in the comments.
And on an unrelated note:
My next book, BE STRONG, comes out Aug. 10. If you pre-order the book before then, you’ll get stickers and a signed bookplate. You’ll also have the chance to win one of three prizes — a picture book manuscript critique, be strong socks or a set of 24 inspirational stickers. Want to enter? Just send proof of purchase to [email protected]. If you order from indie bookstore Mystery to Me, you don’t have to send proof of purchase — you’ll be automatically entered. You can email the store at [email protected] or call 608-283-9332.

I love my library! And all the librarians. I used to work at a small but busy library in Maryland, where a farmer’s truck would visit in the summer. I loved getting piles of fruit with my stack of books!
Love this book that honors libraries and librarians! Congrats!
This sounds like a fantastic book. My favorite library is my local library. With three boys in 3 1/2 years, we spent SO much time doing all the library programs just to keep them busy and spend some time out of the house! They are teens now, but I’m so proud that they all still love to read.
Pat and Lydia, thank you for a wonderful interview. Lydia, I can’t wait to read your book! It sounds so lovely, full of heart. And tears are good! I love libraries and librarians. Congratulations on your debut!!!
What a great interview! I promoted libraries as a language arts teacher and took my classes on library field trips. It was within walking distance from the school which was priceless. Congratulations on your new book, Lydia! I can’t wait to read it!
This is such a wonderful story behind the story! Thank you so much for sharing this interview with us, Pat, and congrats on the book, Lydia! It looks incredible and I can’t wait to read it.
Wonderful interview! Especially love the moment that Lydia entered her own book into her library’s system. Thanks for sharing!
The library was always my home away from home. And these days, as I research nonfiction picture books, librarians are my best friends…like precious gems…we need to treasure them. What a beautiful book – congratulations, Lydia!
This book sounds like a beautiful tribute to her family and librarians! My sister is ten years older than me, and she used to take me to the library every week because my parents both worked. Precious memories! I even have a PB manuscript about it!! Thank you for this post! Excited about both of your books!
Congratulations, Lydia! It sounds like a wonderful story and I can’t wait to read it
Great interview! Looking forward to reading this one!
My school librarian and my public library librarians got me from the start. They knew I was the kid who needed books all the time. I also needed to just hang out. Luckily both let me do this. I cannot wait to read this book.
What interesting stories!…Both your book, Lydia, and how you got an editor first before your story was written.
Thank you for sharing the unusual journey of your book, Lydia. I was a substitute librarian for several elementary schools. So many fun memories of reading to kids and helping them select books. I look forward to reading about your library experiences.
Loved this interview. I look forward to reading both books.
My library has always been my hangout before the pandemic. It’s the place where “everybody knows your name” like tho ols t.v. show Cheers.
Congratulations on your book Lydia.
As strange as this is, I did not have a library in the town where I grew up. I had hand-me-down books from my older cousin and the ubiquitous “Little Golden Books.” So, my first children’s library experience was with my children–and what a wonderful experience it was! I look forward to your book, Lydia and Romina!
I have been in many libraries, both big and small-My favorite is the smallest library I have ever borrowed books from-the South Whitehall section of Allentown, PA library. Space was always at a premium, but every kind of book had a special place: there was a teen section, a children’s section with a rug on the floor holding perhaps ten children, a reference section, a periodicals section with three chairs, even a meeting room which was shared by many-including a knitting club, poetry discussion groups, and children’s treat room when Pete the Cat or Geronimo Stilton came to visit. While it was hard to pull books out from the packed shelves, I was SO impressed by the wise and clever use of available space! And in the summer, out on the tree shaded lawn, therapy dogs were available to be read to .
It was a charming and memorable place I shall always hold dear.
Can’t wait to read this. I get piles of picture books and some other materials as well, weekly. When I taught 4th grade, I counted on the school librarian to help me gather books that supported my curriculum. I love libraries and librarians.
Can’t wait to read these! Librarians and media specialists are the heroes who lead kids to ‘just right’ books. As a teacher and parent I’ve witnessed this over and over. Now as an author, I depend on them to schedule and get students/staff fired up about my school visits. They work hard and I appreciate them SO much.