One book you should read. Four books you could win. And … a cover reveal.

As the headline states, today’s post has a little bit of everything bookish and good.

So let’s jump in, in order!

One book you should read

I recently purchased TO SEE AN OWL by Matthew Cordell from A Room of One’s Own bookstore in Madison, Wisconsin.

I buy and read a lot of picture books, and most are pretty good. But the ones that stand out, REALLY stand out, and this one does.

It’s about Janie, a young girl who like birding and wants to see an owl more than anything. Inspired by her teacher, who’s a fellow birder and owl lover, Janie learns all she can about owls, and meticulously tracks and maps her efforts to see one.

With the support of her very patient and accommodating mother, Janie looks and looks and learns and learns through all seasons until — at last — she gets her wish. It’s a story about specialized interests and the power of quiet persistence as Janie tirelessly works to answer three questions:

When will I find you?

Where could you be?

What will it take?

Which, when you think about it, are great questions to answer as you work toward almost any goal.

Matthew Cordell is a Caldecott-winning illustrator, so the art and pagination are expectedly — but no less impressively — understated and lovely.

But the story is also incredibly structured and well-written. It has warmth and relatability — even if you’ve never thought much about owls at all. And the word choices and flow of the language are sublime.

All in all, it’s a huggable book. And, it’s one I’ll be reading again and again for inspiration.

Four books you could win

Want to win a fantastic bundle of picture books celebrating Black History Month?

Enter here for your chance. One random winner will be chosen Feb. 17 at 11 p.m., ET. (U.S. only.)

You could win:

LET’S FLY! Barrington Irving’s Record-Breaking Flight Around the World, by Barrington Irving and Chana Stiefel, illustrated by Shamar Knight-Justice. The true story of how Barrington Irving became the youngest person and first Black man to fly solo around the world. It was recently featured on the “Today” show.

YVONNE CLARK AND HER ENGINEERING SPARK by Allen Wells, illustrated by DeAndra Hodge. Based on a true story, this book is about a curious, tinkering girl who grew up to become one of the first Black female engineers for NASA.

UNSTOPPABLE JOHN, by me, illustrated by Jerry Jordan. All John Lewis wanted was a library card. But in 1956, libraries were only for white people. So, John spent his life working to change unfair and racist laws so Black people could eat in restaurants, see movies, vote and — yes — get library cards.

MAKE YOUR MARK, by Jacci Gresham and Sherry Fellores, illustrated by David Wilkerson, is the empowering true story of America’s first known Black female tattoo artist.

And … a cover reveal

I have another book – ONE CAN BE – coming Sept. 2 from Beaming Books. It asks the question: “What can one person do?” And, the answer is, “Quite a lot, actually.” Especially if they include others when the time is right.

I wrote this book to the kid I was. Quiet. Introspective. Introverted. Full of ideas. Kind of anxious.

This book is an ode to under-the-radar leaders and readers of all ages with a hat tip to one of my favorite things – Little Free Libraries.

It’s a lyrical poem and has the lowest word count of any picture book I’ve written so far. But … I think I made each word matter.

The book is beautifully illustrated by Annie Cron. As my youngest daughter would say, it’s got a great aesthetic. And, it can be pre-ordered now from any in-person or online bookseller.

As always, if you want signed copies, order from Mystery to Me Books — [email protected] or 608-283-9332.


  1. Happy Valentine’s Day, Pat! Thank you for sharing TO SEE AN OWL. I will add that to my reading list!
    What a wonderful give-away! Maybe Valentine’s Day will be my lucky day!

  2. To See An Owl and your own One Can Be both look like lovely books! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Happy Valentine’s Day! And thanks to a post filled with great information! Your new book looks and sounds wonderful! Congratulations!

  4. TO SEE AN OWL sounds like a book with a great takeaway…Looking forward to your new book, Pat!

  5. Thanks for sharing, Pat!

    I am in the middle of teaching figurative language with Owl Moon and am always on the lookout for more books about owls.

    What a fantastic giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!

    I pre-ordered One Can Be last week and am excited to read it later this year!

    Have a great weekend! 💌😊💌

  6. Congratulations on the new book, Pat! I saw it on Edelweiss the other day and it looks lovely. To See An Owl is in my latest library haul. After finishing your post, I’m even more excited to read it!

  7. Thanks for an ode to quiet leadership! Needed 🙂

  8. I’ll never forget when I first saw an Owl and I still love laying in bed listening to the owls in my neighborhood.
    Thanks Pat!

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