CAN I BE YOUR DOG? by Troy Cummings

Back in the Before Times when we were still crowding into libraries, I’d checked out stacks of picture books to prepare for a writing workshop (which happened) and my weekly one-on-one, side-by-side reading sessions with two first graders (not happening any time soon). I’ve since returned the books to our …
Taeeun Yoo chats about WHEN THE STORM COMES (plus Giveaway!)
Talking with Beth Ferry about SWASHBY AND THE SEA and more (+ Giveaway!)
Chatting with Jane Massey about MY DADDY AND ME (+ Giveaway!)
THE PERFECT SEAT by Minh Lê and Gus Gordon

The crazier the world gets—and it’s been especially crazy lo these past few years—the more I crave simplicity. Based on my first two posts of 2020, this longing applies to picture books as well. This month’s pick? The Perfect Seat by Minh Lê, illustrated by Gus Gordon (Disney-Hyperion, 2019). Like …
GOOD BOY by Sergio Ruzzier

My son Jackson grew up with four furry “siblings.” Nicky and Remy greeted him when he came home from the hospital. After their sad departure years later, we adopted Sammy and Stella. Each one embraced her role as best friend, jester, team mascot, clean-up crew and comfort object. Jackson is now 21, …
A Visit with Eliza Wheeler and her HOME IN THE WOODS (+ Giveaway!)

Hello, all— I’ve got an extra special holiday treat today: former PBB blogger and super-talented picture book creator Eliza Wheeler is here to chat about her gorgeous new book Home in the Woods (Nancy Paulsen Books/PRH, 2019). This is a particularly heartfelt and personal story, based on the experience of …
SMALL IN THE CITY by Sydney Smith
Susanna Leonard Hill visits with MOON’S FIRST FRIENDS (+ Giveaway!)

Hello, folks! I am thrilled—over the moon, in fact—to have Susanna Leonard Hill here to chat about her new book, Moon’s First Friends (Sourcebooks, June 2019), illustrated by Elisa Paganelli. You may have noticed its radiant glow on the New York Times Bestseller List this summer. (Congratulations, Susanna!) Here’s an excerpt …