THE SWEETEST SCOOP – Interview with illustrator Stacy Innerst (+giveaway)

What’s better than ice cream on a hot summer day? A cool new picture book to go with it, of course! I was delighted to have a chance to interview Stacy Innerst, the illustrator of THE SWEETEST SCOOP: BEN & JERRY’S ICE CREAM REVOLUTION, written by Lisa Robinson. Chunky Monkey. …

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BEING A DOG: A TAIL OF MINDFULNESS Interview with Maria Gianferrari (+ giveaway!)

Andrea: If you read my previous blog post interviewing Maria Gianferrari about Bobcat Prowling, then you know that she had two books release this year. I’m excited to interview Maria again, this time for her second 2022 book baby, Being a Dog: A Tail of Mindfulness. Hi Maria! Congratulations on …

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THE RISE (AND FALLS) OF JACKIE CHAN: Interview with Kristen Mai Giang & Alina Chau (+ Giveaway)

POW! BAM! WOW! Jackie Chan has been making movies and amazing audiences with his original and comedic stunts for decades. POW! BAM! OW! But before he was an international star, Jackie grew up in relative poverty in China, studied martial arts at the grueling China Drama Academy, and worked for …

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TAD LINCOLN’S RESTLESS WRIGGLE by Beth Anderson (+ Giveaway)!

I’m a huge fan of Beth Anderson’s historical, narrative nonfiction picture books. They bring to light important figures who have been hidden (Elizabeth Jennings), “ordinary” people with extraordinary talents (James “Smelly” Kelly), and now, a very special relationship between a young boy and his very famous father. Tad Lincoln’s restless …

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A chat with the creators of the inspiring NO VOICE TOO SMALL!

A new picture book — out now! — recently caught my eye and my heart. It’s NO VOICE TOO SMALL – Fourteen Young Americans Making History, edited by Lindsay H. Metcalf, Keila V. Dawson, and Jeanette Bradley, who also illustrated the book (Charlesbridge). It’s an uplifting, affecting armful of poetry …

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