SIX New Books from Our Subscribers!
A Return to Retreats

Warning: This is nothing more than self-indulgent, overly-long musings, peppered with random photos, that meander through the author’s grey matter after returning from his first in-person writers’ retreat since 2019. It borders on a humble-brag and you wouldn’t be blamed for skipping it. The pandemic has robbed us of a …
On Departures, Arrivals & Imperfection (plus PHOEBE DUPREE IS COMING TO TEA giveaway)
Poetic Picture Books With Author Notes

Poetic picture books make my heart soar. They make complex themes accessible, capture deep emotions, and convey stories with brevity and grace. No easy feat. Author notes are a wonderful way to provide additional details that complement a lovely, spare text. Here’s a look at three of my favorite poetic …
THE PEOPLE’S PAINTER (author interview with Cynthia Levinson!)

I’m thrilled to highlight a gorgeous book today, THE PEOPLE’S PAINTER, by Cynthia Levinson with illustrations by Evan Turk. This lovely and important picture book biography shares the story of Jewish artist and activist, Ben Shahn. It released just last month and has earned four starred reviews! As a boy …
Picture Book Barcode Bonanza Part 2
A FISHTASTIC! Interview and Giveaway!
OUTSIDE THE BOX with Jody Jensen Shaffer!
A Visit with Tom Lichtenheld (+ MOO-MOO, I LOVE YOU Giveaway!)

Hello, all— I’ve been a fan of Tom Lichtenheld’s books since picking up DUCK! RABBIT! many moons ago, one of his many collaborations with the multitalented and much-missed Amy Krouse Rosenthal, who passed away in 2017. His books are funny, smart, eye-catching, kid-friendly and highly-acclaimed—and more than a few have …