Born to Be Wild

Oh, to be an outlier. To bust the chains that tether us. To eschew the mundane and embrace the wild! The new book by Rebecca Van Slyke, illustrated by Anca Sanda, Lana Lynn Howls at the Moon, explores this scenario. Lana Lynn, a young sheep that wants a little more …

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Goldfish on Vacation by Sally Lloyd-Jones and Leo Espinosa

“Sometimes it’s hard being a goldfish. You dream of growing fat and exploring coral reefs. But instead here you are in a bowl. Going round and round in circles. And sometimes it’s hard being a child in the summer in the city. All your friends leave and there’s no one …

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This Cowgirl Ain’t Kiddin’ About the Potty + an interview with debut author Sarah Glenn Fortson + a giveaway!

Debut authors. We love ’em. Especially when they’re also super nice people and friends, like Sarah Glenn Fortson. Sarah agreed to a visit so we could talk about her new book, THIS COWGIRL AIN’T KIDDIN’ ABOUT THE POTTY (illustrated by Russ Cox, published by Peter Pauper Press). A bit about …

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Happy anniversary to PBB!

Welp, who’d believe five years could go by so quickly?! So quickly we missed it, since the actual anniversary date was September 2nd. Anyway, ZIP-ZOOM-ZING!, we’ve been blogging for five years! Time really does fly when you’re having fun. We don’t want to let such a BIG anniversary pass without …

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