Line Envy.

Okay, sorry writers, this is really illustration-oriented. My illustrations have been called cartoon-like in the past, and I’m fine with that. In the most basic sense, my illustrations seem to be black lines with color fills. Which can be, well…cartoon-like. The second to the last book I did (Swamp Gas) …

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New Year – New Goals!

Last January 1st, my New Year’s Day post shared tips on setting S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, & Timely.)  Many of you shared your goals and hopes (Tina, Kathy H., Linda, Lynne, Jill, Rebecca Kathy D., Mike, Patty), while others privately set plans for the next year. So let’s look back …

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Happy Holidays to you and yours…

If you are here, then we must have Picture Book Love in common. Somehow PBL was genetically passed down through my family and every Christmas from the time I was tiny, until present day, included the gifting of beautiful books.  Instead of writing about a particular book today I want …

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