A new book about learning a new word

Hearing children learn a new word — even if their pronounciation is not perfect — is always a milestone moment. I specifically remember my oldest daughter excitedly referring to parking spots as “sparking pots” when she was around three years old. But, when the child learning a new word is …

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DANCING HANDS, The Story of Friendship in Filipino Sign Language

DANCING HANDS, The Story of Friendship in Filipino Sign Language written by Joanna Que and Charina Marquez, illustrated by Fran Alvarez, is the story of how two children become friends through Filipino sign language and simply the act of sharing, bonding, and learning how to communicate with each other. This …

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OTTER OUGHTA KNOW, Interview with Karyn Friedman-Everham! + A GIVEAWAY!

I’m extremely excited to welcome Karyn Friedman-Everham to Picture Book Builders to chat with me about her absolutely adorable and so-fun-to-read-aloud debut picture book, Otter Oughta Know, illustrated by Michael Robertson and published by Orchard Books/Scholastic. Welcome Karyn! KFE: Rebecca, it’s wonderful to be here to talk with you about Otter …

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