MAYBE TOMORROW? by Charlotte Agell and Ana Ramírez González

MAYBE TOMORROW? by Charlotte Agell and Ana Ramírez González deals with some very deep, hard, big topics (depression, death, sadness, grief) in such a successfully approachable way.

It’s a special combination when a book can be so comfortably relatable to a child and so uplifting to an adult as well.

Elba drags around a big block. It is very heavy and all she wants to do is sit on it.

Norris comes along and is happy and sunny and surrounded by butterflies.

Norris is turned down when he invites Elba to join him in activities. She says, ‘no’, and Norris hopefully replies,

“Maybe tomorrow?”

One day Norris questions Elba about her block. Elba says there is nothing inside it, but Norris suggests that there is. He thinks there is sadness in there that needs to come out. Elba tells Norris that she misses Little Bird.

“I miss her, too,” said Norris.

Elba paused.

“But you didn’t know her.”

“No, but you are my friend, so I can help you miss her.”

This story about loss and sadness becomes one of the most endearing friendship and kindness books that I’ve come across.

The illustrations are beautiful and classic. Softly colorful and lovely. With varied compositions that take us close into the characters and then contrast with the expanse of the landscape and largeness of the world.

This is a book that I would not only recommend for kids, but I think it would be a lovely gift for anyone facing loss and death.

Beautiful job, Charlotte Agell and Ana Ramírez González, this one is going on my bookshelf and out to friends that I love.

Jennifer Black Reinhardt

Jennifer is the illustrator and author of several acclaimed picture books. Most recently is MOVING DAY, written by Teri Roche Drobnick, which she illustrated. Jennifer wrote and illustrated, Always by My Side, 'A Stuffie Story'. She also is both the author and illustrator of Playing Possum, and Blue Ethel. Jennifer illustrated Gondra’s Treasure, written by Newbery award winner Linda Sue Park. As well as, Sometimes You Fly, by Newbery medalist, Katherine Applegate. She illustrated Yaks Yak, Animal Word Pairs by Linda Sue Park, Fishtastic!, by Tess Weaver, The Inventor's Secret, What Thomas Edison Told Henry Ford, by Suzanne Slade, Rabbi Benjamin's Buttons, by Alice B. McGinty, and The Adventures of a South Pole Pig, by Chris Kurtz.


  1. This looks beautiful and so thoughtfully done. I look forward to reading it. Thanks for highlighting it here!

  2. Thank you for reviewing this beautiful book – it left a lump in my throat and a tear on my cheek!

  3. I agree, Mary! Thank you for visiting, I’m glad that you enjoyed the book. Even if it did make you a little misty.

  4. Thanks. I work with family caregivers. I will check this out.

  5. This looks like such a sweet and tender book. I love the characters and the soft, cheerful palette -so well thought out -just lovely!

  6. It’s so true that we share the grief of people we love when they suffer a loss yet so hard to explain (to them and even to ourselves) but here it is simply put in a children’s book.

  7. This looks both visually and emotionally phenomenal. Just tossed her onto my holds list. Thank you for sharing such an important book. Looking forward to reading. Keep up the good work, gang.

  8. I just read this book and was floored by the tender way it handled such difficult subject matter. I didn’t see what was coming and when I did…wow! A beautiful book!

  9. I’m so glad that you felt like I did about this beautiful book, Judy. Thank you so much for sharing!

  10. Thanks for sharing what looks like a beautiful book–love the cloud of butterflies contrasted with the heavy block–such a perfect, visual way to show the characters outlooks. And the tender and respectful way that Norris reaches out to his friend is a brilliant example for young and old. Putting this one on my to-read list.

  11. This looks absolutely terrific! I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Grief is part of all of our lives. Dealing with it in better ways than many of us do is welcome.

  12. This looks absolutely terrific! I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Grief is part of all of our lives. Dealing with it in better ways than many of us do is welcome!

  13. Angie Quantrell

    Wow! Just from that much of the book, I know I want the rest! Great post!

  14. What a nice thing to say, Angie! Thank you for visiting PBB today. I am pretty certain that you’ll enjoy this lovely book.

  15. A much needed addition to children’s books! Love the illustration of grief as well as the dialogue. This book will surely help many people (young and old).

  16. Going on my To Be Ordered list, Jennifer. Thanks!

  17. Such a beautiful book that is sure to touch many hearts.

  18. This looks completely wonderful and sweet. I love the illustrations too!

  19. What a beautiful book! Love the cloud of butterflies!!! And “I miss her too!” And the perfect title.

  20. Passing this title along to someone I think needs it right now. Thank you for sharing it, Jennifer.

  21. What a lovely book. The tone and the colors. I’m in love with it already.

  22. Thank you so much! I love that you said “largeness of the world.” This review is so appreciated. I’m glad when folks recognize that it’s not “just for kids.”

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