Hello, picture book people. I have a confession. Before today, I have never posted about a Maddie Frost book. This makes me very disappointed in myself because Maddie’s books bring me JOY.
Let me share the opening spreads from just one of her little treasures.

Look at that bright and festive palette.
Gaze at those adorable characters.
And who doesn’t love a book about friendship?
My favorite part about any Maddie book, though, is the humor. Later, in the story, Capybara encounters a NEW friend. What? Wow! How exciting! But this new friend does not seem to be responding to Capybara’s NEW FRIEND song. Oh, no! So Capybara tries three things:
How about flowers?
Or a Bundt cake?
A gift basket full of bathtime essentials?
Omigoodness. That third thing was so unexpected and wonderful I laughed out loud.
She didn’t just say “gift basket.” That would have been fine. She didn’t just say “gift basket full of bathtime goodies.” She said “gift basket full of bathtime essentials.” It’s the word ‘essentials’ that makes the line extra funny to me.
In that one line, Maddie gives us such a clear and wonderful example of how every word must count in a picture book. Authors must work hard to not settle with just ANY words. We must choose just the right words.
And spoiler! By the end of this book Capybara doesn’t just have 4,382 friends. She has 4,383. 🙂
To learn more about Maddie Frost and her books, please visit her site. Oh! And Maddie has a book that debuts this very month. It’s her first early reader graphic novel. She’s so fancy.

I LOVE Maddie Frost!
Everything Maddie writes is full of giggles and snickers – love her!
Thanks for sharing this fun post! I’m checking out her other books!
Thanks for the post! I haven’t read this book yet, and it looks delightful.
I’ll be Cappybara’s friend! What an adorable and fun book! Congrats!
I had just read this book like 4 days ago (while looking for a comp) and agree that it is hilarious!
Thank you, Tammi, for introducing me to Maddie Frost! Off to the library to enjoy her stories.
This book makes me smile! It’s so sweet.
Definitely a funnybone tickler!
Oh my goodness! The specificity and grownupedness of that word “essentials!” Perfect. Thank you!
I love Maddie’s books! They are so full of fun and heart!
Love Maddie’s books! Can’t wait to see what the wombats get up to while camping!
Oh my gosh! Thank you Tammi for making me feel special and seen! Thanks everyone for the sweet comments!
*wipes a tear* xox