I don’t think I’ve ever done this, but since we especially like to talk about ONE element of a picture book that we think is exemplary, I’m giving you a sneak peek at this charming book’s back matter glossary. Take a look:

Oh, Jody Jensen Shaffer … I absolutely adore the presentation style on these glossary pages. You give kiddos plenty of pertinent info about every animal they’ve just met (these are only 3, of course), but it’s here at the end of the book where it doesn’t interfere with the narrative flow. There’s a reason for that, as our readers will soon learn. And look, people, at how cute the animals are, as depicted by illustrator Christopher Silas Neal. If his work looks familiar, you’ve likely seen it in his Over & Under books (authored by Kate Messner) or his own Animal Numbers/Colors/Shapes/Sounds series or one of a number of others he’s done with other authors. Clearly, he’s a BUSY guy!
There’s way more to like than the glossary and illustrations, though. The text throughout is lively, snappy and fun to read because … well, I’m going to let Jody tell us more about it.

Just a few shots from this appealing book.

Jill: Welcome back to Picture Book Builders, Jody! First of all, I have to talk about this title. Genius! If I saw it on a shelf, I’d be compelled to take a look…and quickly fall under its spell. Was this your original title, or did it evolve?
Jody: It evolved! When I submitted the manuscript, it was called THERE WAS A BLUE SKY. Oh, how I loved that title. With my whole lyrical heart. Let’s just pause a moment, shall we? But when my editor and I began editing, I realized my original title was a bit quiet and the text was less so. We needed something more active and fun AND more searchable online. Oh, algorithms! So, we brainstormed and brainstormed and checked with our various colleagues and brainstormed some more and finally came up with the current title, which I now love.
Jill: Me, too! About the story’s cumulative framework: SO tricky to do well (can you tell I’ve played with this style only to give up?). Boy, when it works, it adds so much charm. In this case, it gives us a story that begs to be read aloud. Did you settle on this format after lots of trial and error, or was it in your head from the beginning?
Jody: The structure from “There Was an Old Woman Who Swallowed a Fly” was in my head from the beginning, and you’re right. It was a challenge! I’d been brainstorming new, different ways to tell a food chain story when I thought of the old nursery rhyme/folk tale/song and realized it was a food chain! A different kind of food chain, but a food chain, nonetheless. BUT it was also cumulative and rhyming, both tricky to write in interesting ways and sometimes tricky to sell. And because my subject was nonfiction, it had to be accurate, too. I researched and chose my setting and animals, molded my telling into the cumulative structure, and made it all rhyme. It was tons of fun to write, and I can’t wait to read it with children. Kirkus calls it “read-aloud-ready” and Publisher’s Weekly says its “bright, sound-rich rhyming verse engages throughout.” I’m grateful.
Jill: Nice when reviewers GET it. I know from my own experiences that editors often shy away from books in which animals eat other animals (even though hey, it’s real life), so I’ve often wondered about this particular topic. How can it be done in a way that kids wouldn’t find sad/scary? Clearly, you nailed it here. Tell our readers how you lit upon the idea to provide alternate scenarios for the predator/prey situations featured in the first half of the book.
Jody: So true! In fact, one editor was “concerned that the repetitive stanzas of each predator being consumed by a larger predator would be off-putting to the picture book audience.” I knew this project needed the vision of an editor and an illustrator who could imply what was happening without actually showing it. Fortunately, Karen Greenberg Smith at Knopf had that vision, and Christopher Silas Neal masterfully carried it out in the illustrations.
As to the alternate scenario at the end–which I’m not going to give away here!–that came later in my writing process. For many drafts, my manuscript ended with the apex predator, the black bear, and a glossary. But the story didn’t seem complete, or rather, it seemed too complete and a little too real! Kind of “Everyone gets eaten. The End.” I wanted to end on a more upbeat note, and when the alternate ending occurred to me–which is also factual–I knew I would keep it. I’m excited that reviewers agreed with my decisions. In its starred review, School Library Journal called it “an excellent introduction to the food chain.”
Jill: Cheers for the starred review! And yes, I agree with SLJ. What a great way to show kids the food chain without descending into gore – whew. Christopher Silas Neal’s illustrations are brilliant. Close, bright, energetic. Realistic, but not scary-realistic. They showcase animals and this forest habitat in a way that will draw kids right in. This feels like a great lap book that would also work beautifully as a group read.
Jody: I knew of Chris’s stunning work because of his Over and Under books by Kate Messner. So when he agreed to take on my book, I was thrilled. Chris’s illustrations are everything you describe–detailed, soft, active, accurate, gorgeous, dreamy, colorful. I’m sure young readers will study each landscape, count every worm and cricket, and marvel at the facial expressions and movements of each animal.
Jill: Absolutely! What can we look forward to next, Jody?
Jody: I’m super excited to have three picture books launching in 2024 with more to come! SOMETIMES I AM HOT LAVA releases from Beaming Books in April, THE LAST DAY JULIAN WAS MY BEST FRIEND comes out in June from Two Lions, and PORCUPINE HAD A FUZZY SWEATER, Magination Press, hits shelves in July. I can’t wait to share all of these books with young readers.
Jill: Ooh, lots to look forward to! Thanks a million, Jody. This is a vibrant, warm, uber-appealing book! Kids will love it!!! And GOOD NEWS, readers. You have a chance to win your very own copy. Simply leave a comment below, and a random number generator will choose a winner on … (imagine a drum roll here while I peruse my calendar) … let’s say DECEMBER 1st!
It’s so hard as writers to give up our favorite lines or titles (I’ve been there too!), but your new title is so fun! And of course the story’s cumulative format is perfect for this subject. Can’t wait to read it all!
Thank you, Tanya! Good thing we have editors to guide us to even better titles!
This collaboration between Jody, her editor, and Chris is stunningly beautiful. I had the privilege of hearing this story early in its inception. I watched it grow and grow and GROW into the masterpiece that it has become. Every, and I do mean every, elementary school should have a copy or two of this important work. As an educator, I know my students would have loved a read and a reread.
Thank you, Ann! You’ve helped this book on its journey!
What a fun and unique approach to the food chain…accepting the challenge to write it clearly paid off. Kids and teachers will love this!
Thanks, Laura! I hope so!
Can’t wait to get my hands on this book! It looks delightful and the rhythm of the words energetic. Congratulations on it and the other 3-coming out.
Thanks so much, Becki! Please let me know what you think.
I’m looking forward to reading your sweet book to see how this potentially disturbing “animals eating other animals” topic was handled.
Debra, please let me know what you think! It CAN be done.
Wow. I cannot wait to get a copy of this book. It looks amazing! Congrats!!!!!!
Thanks so much, Debra! Looking forward to hearing what you think.
OOOOH! That cover would definitely make me read this one! And now I’m so curious how you ended this food chain story! Congratulations, Jody!
Hi Judy, all credit to Christopher Silas Neal. He’s amazing. Send me a note once you read it and let me know what you think!
This book has everything I love in it: Cumulative structure, rhyming, facts, AND an illustrated glossary! Well done!!
Yay! So happy to hear that, Patricia!
Wow – this books looks great! Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks so much, Tammy! I hope you like it!
I am so excited about this book! I know my 4 kids will love it, but ESPECIALLY my 6 year old son!
Amber! Yay! Let me know what everyone, but especially Mr. 6, thinks!
Such a tour de force for nonfiction and science stories for kids!
Congrats Jody, Christopher and Knopf team!
So kind of you, Cathy! I got really lucky!
Book looks great, hope we win!
Fingers crossed for you, Zachary! Thanks for entering!
Oh Jody!!! So fun to see you here with your beautiful new book!!! I love how it evolved and how you found the just right editor and illustrator too. So appealing and kid-friendly. I’d love to have my very own copy! And you have three more books in the pipeline!!! Yay!!! Congratulations!!!
Hi Vijaya! I’m always happy to see you anywhere! For those who don’t know, Vijaya is the best cheerleader anyone in Book Land could have–and she’s a whiz at critiques!
Aw, thank you Jody! Always a pleasure.
How fun! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Katie!
Congratulations! What a fun and fabulous book!
Such a perfect way to share the food chain! And I have to say I love the final title you came up with for the book! It’s perfect! Titles are so hard – it definitely helps to have multiple minds at work on them!
Oh my gosh, isn’t that the truth! We spent many a day debating. Glad we landed on this one!
What an amazing idea for a book! Congratulations Jody (and for all your other books too!) Can’t wait to read it! I’m impressed with any story in a cumulative framework – so hard to do!
Hi Laura, thanks so much! It was like a puzzle. Fortunately, I love puzzles! Let me know what you think!
I am a fan of illustrator Christopher Silas Neal’s work (and not just because he did the cover for my novel LIKE A RIVER back in 2015), so I am extra enthusiastic to see this gem.
Ah, how fun is that? Chris is so talented. Thanks, Kathy!
Can’t wait to add this to my collection! Congratulations, it looks and sounds absolutely wonderful.
Thank you so much, Shirley! I can’t wait for it to be in the world!
This looks like such a charmer–and a perfect way to pair STEM and rollicking fun!
Oh this looks like such a charmer–and a perfect way to pair STEM with rollicking fun. Congratulations!
(sorry for the double post… my internets are acting strange.)
Thanks, Buffy! I hope you like it!
What fun. I’m excited to check out the “alternate ending.” Congratulations on this achievement
Hi Cait!
Thanks so much! Please let me know what you think!
This is really adorable and even if I don’t win I’m adding it to my lost. Well done!
Aww, thank you, Nichole! I appreciate your vote of confidence!
What a wonderful book! I am sure it will become a classroom favorite.
Ooh, thanks, Claire! That would be amazing!
A cumulative and rhyming food chain book by JE with CSN illustrating, what is there not to love?
A cumulative and rhyming food chain book by JJS with CSN illustrating, what is there not to love?
Aww, thank you, Norma! You will love Chris’s illustrations.
What perfect timing! I was just looking at lesson plans for teaching ecosystems and food chains! This book sounds and looks wonderful!
Yay!! Soon, I’ll have a teacher’s guide on my website that you can download for free, so watch that space! And please let me know what you think!
P.S. CREEP, LEAP, CRUNCH! was just named an “Outstanding Science Trade Book for Students K-12” by NSTA! I couldn’t be more thrilled. https://www.nsta.org/outstanding-science-trade-books-students-k-12-2024
Beautiful work! Happy sales to you on all the books.
Hi Debbie, thanks so much!
You had so many hurdles to overcome with this book (rhyming, cumulative storyline, trying not to scare young readers, etc.), and yet you still describe it as so much fun to write. I’m impressed!
Thanks, Mary! Getting a good idea for a book is awesome. Making the book awesome is the best!
Cumulative books are such fun, but so challenging to write. Look forward to reading this one!
Thank you, Marty! Please let me know what you think!
Congrats, Jody! Looking forward to reading this book.
Thanks so much, Susan!
What an amazing new title! Thanks for featuring. Can’t wait to share this delightful book with my second graders!
Yay! I love to hear that. Please let me know what they think! Thanks, Lisa!
I love engaging picture books incorporating science! And love recommendations from another awesome author! On my wishlist to share with my class 🙂
Ah, thanks, Katie! I hope your class gets to read it!
This topic is intriguing for kids and I can’t wait to read it and find out how you approached the food chain in a kid friendly way.
Thanks, Danielle! I hope you like it!
A lot of delicious energy in this book!…And what a cover!
Ha! I agree–Christopher Silas Neal’s cover is amazing!
This looks delicious! And I’m so curious about the end.
I see what you did there, Tricia! 🙂
Such a beautiful book
Thank you, Mary! I can’t wait for everyone to see Chris’s illustrations.
I’ve always looked for a way for kids to learn about food chains without the “everybody gets eaten” ending. I can’t wait to read this book.
Yay! I hope it’s just what you need!
Uh-may-zing! Wow! I love how you worked all the angles to get this just right! Congratulations!!
Thanks so much, Angie! It was a fun challenge. Let me know what you think, okay?
This book has been on my TBR list, so I was so happy to see it here! It was fun to hear how it evolved from the original. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Bri, thanks so much for adding it to your TBR! I’d love to know what you think.