TOTO by Hyewon Yum

I was thrilled to recently discover Hyewon Yum’s newest book, Toto, and order it for my library. This charming title covers a topic rarely seen in picture books: birthmarks. The unnamed narrator of this book has a pink birthmark on her forehead she refers to as “Toto.” Family and strangers …

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Would you look at this cover? I did. And then I bought the book. Because not only is it a great story— IT IS— STUNNING! Mr. Lepron’s Mystery Soup is written by Giovanna Zoboli, (translated from Italian by Denise Muir). And my heavens it is magnificently illustrated by Mariachiara Di …

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One book you should read. Four books you could win. And … a cover reveal.

Cover of To See an Owl by Matthew Cordell

As the headline states, today’s post has a little bit of everything bookish and good. So let’s jump in, in order! One book you should read I recently purchased TO SEE AN OWL by Matthew Cordell from A Room of One’s Own bookstore in Madison, Wisconsin. I buy and read …

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New nonfiction for library lovers, book lovers and U.S. history fans

My first career was as a newspaper reporter. There, I learned that — to quote former Washington Post journalist Maxine Chesire: “With a roll of quarters and a phone, you can find out anything.” (Side note: If you want a great look at how Maxine overcame sexism and racisim to …

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