With a little help from our friends….

Something different today, audience participation required. (Well, not required. But very sincerely appreciated.) Each summer, as we’ve been doing for many years, my friend Linda Skeers and I co-host a summer picture book writing retreat/workshop. Each summer, we raid our personal bookshelves and lug hundreds of picture books to the …
ONE SMALL THING + a chat with Marsha Diane Arnold

Want to show a kiddo how one small act of kindness, multiplied, can make a real difference to somebody in need? There’s a book for that… Marsha Diane Arnold’s latest story, One Small Thing, features forest characters who exemplify kindness and thoughtfulness after their friend Raccoon’s home is destroyed. None …
Introducing STINKBIRD HAS A SUPERPOWER, and a chat with Bob Shea (+ a giveaway x 3!)
Book giveaway! FINDING FAMILY – The Duckling Raised by Loons + an interview with Laura Purdie Salas
Whatever Comes Tomorrow, an interview with Rebecca Gardyn Levington
A TAKE-CHARGE GIRL Blazes a Trail to Congress: The Story of Jeannette Rankin

I’ve been following the work of illustrator Rebecca Gibbon for a couple of years now, ever since learning she’d be illustrating my 2024 biography with Calkins Creek, BIRD GIRL. So when I heard that Rebecca had illustrated author Gretchen Woelfle’s new book, A TAKE-CHARGE GIRL Blazes a Trail to Congress: The …
A Bear, a Bee, and a Honey Tree by Daniel Bernstrom
Book giveaway – Linda Ashman returns to chat about FIRE CHIEF FRAN!

Note: Two things. First of all, thank you for hanging in with us, readers, while our site experienced technical difficulties that brought our emails to a screeching halt AND made it impossible for any of you to comment. PLEASE revisit recent posts, especially those featuring book giveaway contests you were …
The Lost Words

Dictionaries are always evolving and changing, of course, as our language does the same. But adding words means removing others to make room. Understandable, right? But when Oxford University Press, back in 2007, removed 40 common nature words from their Oxford Junior Dictionary—words like acorn, bramble, dandelion, kingfisher, pasture, weasel, …