My Thoughts Have Wings

Sleep is important. Not that anyone needs convincing. The lack of sleep—or not enough sleep—is unhealthy and we are reminded of this often; in the news, online, wherever we get our information. As an adult I know this first hand. I love sleep and celebrate every morning I wake up …

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You Are a Raccoon!

I’m a lot of things, but I’m pretty sure (checking behind me) I’m not a raccoon. However, if I was curious about what it is like to be a raccoon, I’d have this book to look to; You are a Raccoon, by Laurie Thompson (Emmanuel’s Dream: The True Story of …

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Pass the Baby!

I come from a large-ish, blended family. There were six of us—that is, six siblings. We got along mostly and eventually all moved out and went in different directions. But we would come back for those large family meals. When we did it was with a pocket full of anticipation …

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