Musing on Process

I am asked often about where my stories come from. I’m sure each and every writer out there is quizzed on this—and frequently. It can be a difficult question to answer, employing self examination and introspection, or an easy one with a flippant—yet true—“I’ve no idea.”  Sometimes, depending on the …

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Henry and Bea

Having a friend that you are comfortable with, that understands you, that you love to spend time with is a great thing. Having a friend that you always have fun with and can “tell what the other is thinking without saying a word” is, indeed, fortunate thing. In Jessixa Bagley’s …

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Born to Be Wild

Oh, to be an outlier. To bust the chains that tether us. To eschew the mundane and embrace the wild! The new book by Rebecca Van Slyke, illustrated by Anca Sanda, Lana Lynn Howls at the Moon, explores this scenario. Lana Lynn, a young sheep that wants a little more …

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I’m on deadline this week and, like virtually every project I’ve ever done, woefully behind. I’ve come to the conclusion that this is just the way I work. I start slowly and ramp up the speed and productivity the closer the deadline gets. So as a kind of cop out, …

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