Easter and Spring and a Few Picture Books

Cat just wants to be loved.  And he is kind of a…um…control freak. When he realizes how loved the Easter Bunny is he is a little put off or jealous. With his snappish back and forth with the reader (using signs, because, really, cats don’t talk) he takes us up …

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Engaging Nonfiction

There is great satisfaction in engaging and compelling nonfiction picture books. Barb Rosentsock reminded me of this recently in her post about THE IRIDESCENCE OF BIRDS, by Patrica MacLachlan. I made a point to seek this book out and found it gorgeous. Both the writing and the delightful illustrations by Hadley …

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Seasonally Inspired

A favorite adult book of mine is ABOUT A BOY by Nick Hornby. They also made a pretty good movie based on the book, and currently there is a bearable TV show a little more loosely based on it. There is one premise in the book that has always fascinated …

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