Category: Uncategorized
Pick and commit: Choosing a picture book structure
OUTSIDE THE BOX with Kelly Starling Lyons!
Lobsters and Lakes and Loons, OH MY! An entire collection giveaway!
CAT LADIES: Interview with Susi Schaefer (+Giveaway)
Frances Gilbert Shares TOO MUCH SLIME! (+giveaway)
Hello, Picture Book People. Prepare to get slimed! I invited Frances Gilbert, author/Editor-in-Chief of Doubleday Books for Young Readers, to join us to discuss her latest book, her thoughts on titles, and some funny business. TS: Hi, Frances! Welcome back to Picture Book Builders. Please tell us about your latest …
Jonas Hanway’s Scurrilous, Scandalous, Shockingly Sensational Umbrella!
OUTSIDE THE BOX with Carolyn Crimi!
The Rescuer of Tiny Creatures
As a child I remember having an affinity for bugs. At least certain species of bugs. Ladybugs, roly-poly bugs, fireflies, etc. I don’t remember having any particular fear of bugs, other than some “bugs” I would never encounter living in the Pacific Northwest—scorpions and tarantulas. I really wasn’t even that …