THE TOWER OF LIFE: Interview with Chana Stiefel and Susan Gal

The Tower of Life: How Yaffa Eliach Rebuilt Her Town in Stories and Photographs, a stunning biography written by Chana Stiefel and illustrated by Susan Gal, hit shelves this week. Yaffa Eliach grew up in the Polish town of Eishyshok, helping her grandmother in her photography studio. When Nazi soldiers …
PECULIAR PRIMATES – Interview with Debra Kempf Shumaker (+Giveaway)
The Underpants by Tammi Sauer (+GIVEAWAY)

Oh, people. I am ridiculously excited about this book. Let’s take a moment to read these fine words: “Cull’s illustrations resemble a kooky comic strip, perfect for Sauer’s goofy humor… Sure to elicit laughter.” — Kirkus Reviews “Riotous… the participants seem deeply satisfied by this unadulterated silliness — and readers …
Good Night Little Bookstore 📚
Alum Suzanne Slade & DAZZLIN’ DOLLY! + a giveaway!
Tooting the horn for ELEPHANT’S BIG SOLO and a Giveaway!

I’ve come to value Twitter and Instagram as wonderful places to find new books. Thanks to one of them (can’t remember which!) I found today’s delightful picture book, ELEPHANT’S BIG SOLO, written and illustrated by Sarah Kurpiel, and published a few weeks ago by Greenwillow Books. I had an instant …
BERRY SONG by Michaela Goade: Something for Everyone

As New York transitions from blueberry season to cranberry, Berry Song, the first self-authored book by Caldecott Medalist Michaela Goade has taken root on the whiteboard ledge in my classroom, where I keep all the books I anticipate kids grabbing over and over again. In this story, a plucky little …
YOU ARE LIFE by Bao Phi and Hannah Li
Mary Had a Little Plan by Tammi Sauer (+ GIVEAWAY)

Remember Mary? Nice, huh? I especially love the part about “well-paced couplets that read effortlessly.” Writing a rhymer is a big challenge. It’s hard to make those couplets read effortlessly, but that is always one of my primary writing-a-rhymer goals. On top of telling a real-deal story, the rhythm has …