A book for your bestie: WHEN I’M WITH YOU (Plus, a giveaway!)
No Bunnies Here!, interview with Ross Burach–plus GIVEAWAY
Hush, Little Trucker (But shout about a giveaway!)
OFF-LIMITS by Helen Yoon
SEEKING FREEDOM, an amazing untold story (+Giveaway!)

Today we welcome Selene Castrovilla, author of Seeking Freedom, illustrated by E.B. Lewis, published on January 4th, 2022 by Calkins Creek Books. Booklist’s starred review praises the book’s drama and illustrations, saying “This beautifully illustrated picture book enables readers to see the Civil War from a different point of view.” Kirkus, …
Love is in the air!–interview with illlustrator Stephanie Laberis (+giveaway)

It’s nearly Valentine’s Day and la-la-la-la-love is in the air! Evidence: Lovebird Lou, illustrated by Steph Laberis–and written by yours truly–stars a little lovebird who is learning to embrace who he is. This is what Kirkus had to say about our book: “This entertaining picture book would be a wonderful …