HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT: Interview with Beth Anderson & a Giveaway!

Beth Anderson is sort of a regular over here at Picture Book Builders, because, well, she is just so darn good at building picture books! I’m so happy that she’s joining us to talk about her latest book, HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT: KATE WARNE AND THE RACE TO SAVE ABRAHAM …

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TAD LINCOLN’S RESTLESS WRIGGLE by Beth Anderson (+ Giveaway)!

I’m a huge fan of Beth Anderson’s historical, narrative nonfiction picture books. They bring to light important figures who have been hidden (Elizabeth Jennings), “ordinary” people with extraordinary talents (James “Smelly” Kelly), and now, a very special relationship between a young boy and his very famous father. Tad Lincoln’s restless …

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An Inconvenient Alphabet + An Interview w/Author Beth Anderson + a Giveaway!

I’m excited today to talk about Beth Anderson’s debut picture book, AN INCONVENIENT ALPHABET. This one had me at the cover. But when I got a look inside, word nerd me was absolutely bowled over. What struck me about this book—other than the delightful story itself and the lively, detail-packed …

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