One book you should read. Four books you could win. And … a cover reveal.

Cover of To See an Owl by Matthew Cordell

As the headline states, today’s post has a little bit of everything bookish and good. So let’s jump in, in order! One book you should read I recently purchased TO SEE AN OWL by Matthew Cordell from A Room of One’s Own bookstore in Madison, Wisconsin. I buy and read …

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LION NEEDS A SHOT- Birthday and Interview with Hyewon Yum (+ a Giveaway!)

Little lion Luka is NOT worried about a visit to the doctor. He’s NOT scared of getting a shot. And he’s definitely NOT a little lion anymore. R-O-A-R! His younger sister, Lulu, might be nervous for her checkup, but no need to worry–big brother is here to set a brave …

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A PARK CONNECTS US— Birthday & Giveaway!

Welcome to Picture Book Builders, author Sarah Nelson. And welcome to the world of readers,  A PARK CONNECTS US!  Today is publication day for Sarah’s new picture book, illustrated by Ellen Rooney. I love celebrating book birthdays and am so happy that Picture Book Builders gets to toot the party horn today!🎉 …

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HELLO, TREE: Interview with Ana Crespo & Dow Phumiruk (+ Giveaway)

With the end of 2021 rapidly approaching, I thought it would be the perfect time to share a new book about the end of one thing and the beginning of something new. HELLO, TREE by Ana Crespo and illustrated by Dow Phumiruk is subtitled “A story about regrowth.” When a …

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Be a Tree, Q&A w/Maria Gianferrari + GIVEAWAY!

“Maria Gianferrari has climbed fig trees in Italy, stood under stately coastal redwoods and twisted Torrey pines, marveled at mitten-shaped sassafras leaves, colorful coral trees and sawtooth oak acorn nests. She lives with her family, including dog, Maple, in a house encircled by trees.” Jennifer: Maria, your book, Be a …

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Always by My Side~GiVeAwAy!

Always by My Side, A Stuffie Story is out in the world today ?. If any of you follow me on Social Media (thank you) you might be aware that my once-upon-a-time-little boy, Will, and his beloved stuffed dinosaur, Dina, were the inspiration for my story and the character of …

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