Tag: Tammi Sauer
That’s MY Sweater! by Jessika von Innerebner
Happy Holidays from Picture Book Builders
23 of the MANY Picture Books I’m Looking Forward to in 2023
The Underpants by Tammi Sauer (+GIVEAWAY)

Oh, people. I am ridiculously excited about this book. Let’s take a moment to read these fine words: “Cull’s illustrations resemble a kooky comic strip, perfect for Sauer’s goofy humor… Sure to elicit laughter.” — Kirkus Reviews “Riotous… the participants seem deeply satisfied by this unadulterated silliness — and readers …
Mary Had a Little Plan by Tammi Sauer (+ GIVEAWAY)

Remember Mary? Nice, huh? I especially love the part about “well-paced couplets that read effortlessly.” Writing a rhymer is a big challenge. It’s hard to make those couplets read effortlessly, but that is always one of my primary writing-a-rhymer goals. On top of telling a real-deal story, the rhythm has …
Hustle Bustle Bugs by Catherine Bailey (+ GIVEAWAY)
A Sequel Situation
Picture Book Pals Share Picture Book Recs

Oh, readers. Today is pretty special. I asked three picture book writing friends to tell us–in less than 100 words!–about one of their favorite picture books of 2022. Let’s give it up for Jean Reidy, Meg Fleming, and Anika Denise! _______________________________________________________ First, we have Jean Reidy. The book she chose …
“A Self-Styled Master Class” brought to you by author/illustrator Janee Trasler

Hello, Picture Book Builders people! I’m in a critique group called PBJeebies. The members include Kim Norman, Janee Trasler, Jessica Young, and, well, me. Today, Janee stopped by Picture Book Builders to tell us allll about a recent master class that she participated in and learned a lot from courtesy …