Year: 2021
How to Make a Book (about my dog)
HOPE AT SEA, an adventurous interview with Daniel Miyares (+ GIVEAWAY!)
BOBO AND PUP-PUP: Interview with Vikram Madan (+Giveaway)
TAD LINCOLN’S RESTLESS WRIGGLE by Beth Anderson (+ Giveaway)!

I’m a huge fan of Beth Anderson’s historical, narrative nonfiction picture books. They bring to light important figures who have been hidden (Elizabeth Jennings), “ordinary” people with extraordinary talents (James “Smelly” Kelly), and now, a very special relationship between a young boy and his very famous father. Tad Lincoln’s restless …
Debut Author Brian Gehrlein’s Path to Publication (+GIVEAWAY)
Margaret’s Unicorn by Briony May Smith
Tons of puns for little ones

I have long admired writers whose gifts go beyond writing and creative skills. Because of my own organizational short-comings, I especially admire writers who devise new ways to market their work and the work of colleagues, and even manage to IMPLEMENT those ideas. Julie Hedlund is one such writer. I’ve …