Line Envy.

Okay, sorry writers, this is really illustration-oriented. My illustrations have been called cartoon-like in the past, and I’m fine with that. In the most basic sense, my illustrations seem to be black lines with color fills. Which can be, well…cartoon-like. The second to the last book I did (Swamp Gas) …

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Imagine that.

I have a love/hate relationship with wordless picture books. Well, not really “love/hate,” more like a “love/um?” relationship.  As an illustrator, my love for them is obvious. A whole story told in pictures! How cool is that?  As a parent, “reading” wordless picture books to kids, for me, was occasionally …

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Swimming with the Sharks

I had different favorite animals at different points my life. I remember being smitten with monkeys when I was quite young, pining for a raccoon (after reading Rascal by Sterling North) when I was little older, and in high school I studied crows and ravens for a couple of years …

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On Joy and Kindness

The past several years I’ve posted a New Year cartoon featuring a pair of characters I’ve been working on for years. I call it Two Unlikely Friends. Last year I posted one here about losing and finding one’s mojo. This may be nothing more than musings, but I enjoy creating …

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One Curious Pony

Otis is a very curious pony. So many questions run through his head. In PONY IN THE CITY by Wendy Wahman, Otis peppers his stable mates into the night with questions about the children that visit and ride them during the day. “do they graze on grass and daisies?” “Do …

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