Debut Tuesday: Lucy Margaret Rozier & Jackrabbit McCabe

I love hearing people’s path-to-publication stories. I mean, who doesn’t love a tale of struggle, heartache, and resilience in overcoming steep odds? So when my friend Susie Wilde—writing coach, teacher, and Kid Lit Ambassador Extraordinaire—told me her student Lucy Rozier recently had her first book published, I knew I wanted her to visit …

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A Chat with Brooke Boynton Hughes (and a Book Giveaway!)

Three years ago, when Random House editor Maria Modugno was considering illustrators for my manuscript Henry Wants More!, she shared a sample of Brooke Boynton Hughes’s work.  Well, I was smitten. And I’m hardly alone in my admiration. Brooke has won SCBWI’s Mentorship Award and two Portfolio Honor Awards in …

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One Family: Counting & More (plus Giveaway Winners)

With the recent attacks in Paris—and chronic turmoil and violence elsewhere—I’ve been having bleak thoughts about humanity. How is peace possible when people have such deeply-ingrained beliefs and such intolerance for those who don’t share them? So I wanted to feature a hopeful book. At first glance, One Family (Frances Foster …

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A Visit with Kim Smith–and an OVER THE RIVER & THROUGH THE WOOD Giveaway!

Three years ago, my Sterling editor, Meredith Mundy, asked me to rewrite the holiday song Over the River and Through the Wood with “plenty of chaos and wackiness” as family members travel to Grandma’s house using various modes of transportation. We agreed that the characters should be a reflection of most …

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Dog Adopts Man (and Other Role Reversals)

Ever worked on a manuscript with a case of the blahs? I have, more times than I care to think about. But the next time I find myself mired in blandness, I have a strategy to try: Role reversal. Yep, the old switcheroo. Let’s consider a few examples. Lots of little girls …

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