One book you should read. Four books you could win. And … a cover reveal.

Cover of To See an Owl by Matthew Cordell

As the headline states, today’s post has a little bit of everything bookish and good. So let’s jump in, in order! One book you should read I recently purchased TO SEE AN OWL by Matthew Cordell from A Room of One’s Own bookstore in Madison, Wisconsin. I buy and read …

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New nonfiction for library lovers, book lovers and U.S. history fans

My first career was as a newspaper reporter. There, I learned that — to quote former Washington Post journalist Maxine Chesire: “With a roll of quarters and a phone, you can find out anything.” (Side note: If you want a great look at how Maxine overcame sexism and racisim to …

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Meet Justin Colón — and his next picture book

Looking for your next great, funny read? You may have to look no further than Justin Colón’s and James Rey Sanchez’ picture book IMPOSSIBLE POSSUMS, which releases Oct. 22 from Disney Hyperion. Life as an aspiring villain is lonely for Carl the possum, so he’s on a mission to create …

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Let’s talk picture book biographies — and what makes a good one

Picture book biographies are some of my favorite things to read. Why? Well, first, I always learn something new. And, I love learning new things. I think that’s part of what makes me a successful writer. If you don’t understand the power of picture books, you might wonder how an …

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A little red chair leads to … a book you’ll want to read

Kids fall in love with all sorts of things. Some expected and some not so much. I wrote SOPHIE’S SQUASH, a picture book about my daughter’s real-life love affair with a butternut squash. And, picture books have been written about kids developing strong attachments to other unexpected things like a …

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A new book about learning a new word

Hearing children learn a new word — even if their pronounciation is not perfect — is always a milestone moment. I specifically remember my oldest daughter excitedly referring to parking spots as “sparking pots” when she was around three years old. But, when the child learning a new word is …

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Two picture books about small things — that have a big impact

small things mended

Picture books are mostly meant for small people. So, perhaps, it’s not surprising that there are lots of picture books about small people and small things. I even have one of my own — NOT SO SMALL with Paola Escobar (HarperCollins, 2022). But, today, I want to share two new …

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