HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT: Interview with Beth Anderson & a Giveaway!

Beth Anderson is sort of a regular over here at Picture Book Builders, because, well, she is just so darn good at building picture books! I’m so happy that she’s joining us to talk about her latest book, HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT: KATE WARNE AND THE RACE TO SAVE ABRAHAM …

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New nonfiction for library lovers, book lovers and U.S. history fans

My first career was as a newspaper reporter. There, I learned that — to quote former Washington Post journalist Maxine Chesire: “With a roll of quarters and a phone, you can find out anything.” (Side note: If you want a great look at how Maxine overcame sexism and racisim to …

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The Heartbeat Drum by Deidre Havrelock, illustrated by Aphelandra

The winter solstice has passed. Every year, I look forward to the sense of renewal and hope that comes with the lengthening days, the additional sunlight. Today I want to call attention to people who bring light and hope to others. As author Deidre Havrelock and illustrator Aphelandra share in …

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Let’s talk picture book biographies — and what makes a good one

Picture book biographies are some of my favorite things to read. Why? Well, first, I always learn something new. And, I love learning new things. I think that’s part of what makes me a successful writer. If you don’t understand the power of picture books, you might wonder how an …

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Two New Conservation-Themed Books + A Giveaway

In the spirit of “Every day is Earth Day,” every day is also a great day to read a conservation-themed book! Here are two new picture books to inspire readers of all ages to help protect our planet. MAYA MAKES WAVES, written by Maya Gabeira and illustrated by Ramona Kaulitzki, …

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Out and About in Singapore by Melanie Lee (+ a giveaway)

I was in Singapore recently to speak at the Asian Festival of Children’s Content and was incredibly fortunate to meet Melanie Lee. Melanie was not only the moderator of one of my panels, but is also a children’s book author, a journalist, a multimedia project creator, and a teacher of …

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A new book about learning a new word

Hearing children learn a new word — even if their pronounciation is not perfect — is always a milestone moment. I specifically remember my oldest daughter excitedly referring to parking spots as “sparking pots” when she was around three years old. But, when the child learning a new word is …

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PB Pair: Julie Andrews and her unforgettable voice

Today I want to share a lovely picture book pairing: one is a nonfiction biography and the other is a fictional tale written by the subject of the biography and her daughter. Who else could it be but the amazing and multitalented Dame Julie Andrews! In SONG AFTER SONG: THE …

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ON A FLAKE-FLYING DAY: Watching Winter’s Wonders + Interview with author Buffy Silverman + A GIVEAWAY!

Brrrrrrrrr… it’s getting cold outside! What better time to start thinking about winter than to take a look at this BEAUTIFUL new photo-illustrated, rhyming picture book!?  (Answer: there is NO better time!) We are lucky enough to have author Buffy Silverman here today to answer some questions about this fabulous …

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