THE WORDS WE SHARE – Interview with Jack Wong & a Giveaway!

Here’s the book description: “A young girl helps her dad navigate life in a new country where she understands the language more than he does, in an unforgettable story about communication and community. Angie is used to helping her dad. Ever since they moved to Canada, he relies on her …

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CHALLAH DAY! + Interview with author Charlotte Offsay

Challah Day! It’s Challah Day! I get to share this book today! Sorry, I can’t help it — the fabulous rhyme and meter in this new book has me so excited (and I just can’t hide it!). Challah Day!, written by Charlotte Offsay, illustrated by Jason Kirschner, and published by …

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How to Get Your Octopus to School by Becky Scharnhorst, illus. by Jaclyn Sinquett

Hello, Picture Book Builders people. To celebrate the start of a brand new school year, my friend and critique partner, Catherine Bailey, thought we could use a back-to-school book around here. As usual, that smartypants pal of mine is RIGHT. Please welcome Catherine and her thoughts on a book that …

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