ABDUL’S STORY (+ Giveaway!)

I’m sure my fellow teachers know the feeling. You see a book announcement or a cover reveal and you immediately want to plan that title for tomorrow’s read aloud. But you have to wait. And wait. And wait four more days to be exact, because that’s when Abdul’s Story by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow …

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BOBCAT PROWLING: Interview with Maria Gianferrari (+ giveaway!)

I’m so excited to welcome Maria Gianferrari back to the blog! I’ve been friends with Maria for over a decade and critique partners with her for almost as long. Needless to say, I’m a huge fan of her work and I’m thrilled that she’s joined me today to celebrate the …

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A PARK CONNECTS US— Birthday & Giveaway!

Welcome to Picture Book Builders, author Sarah Nelson. And welcome to the world of readers,  A PARK CONNECTS US!  Today is publication day for Sarah’s new picture book, illustrated by Ellen Rooney. I love celebrating book birthdays and am so happy that Picture Book Builders gets to toot the party horn today!🎉 …

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Okay, first of all, NO, ballet does not rhyme with giveaway! Interviewee Renée M. LaTulippe and I have spent a lot of time over the years explaining the reason why two such words do not rhyme. We’ll get to that later in the post. First, let me introduce Renée’s book, …

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