BOBCAT PROWLING: Interview with Maria Gianferrari (+ giveaway!)
“A Self-Styled Master Class” brought to you by author/illustrator Janee Trasler

Hello, Picture Book Builders people! I’m in a critique group called PBJeebies. The members include Kim Norman, Janee Trasler, Jessica Young, and, well, me. Today, Janee stopped by Picture Book Builders to tell us allll about a recent master class that she participated in and learned a lot from courtesy …
A PARK CONNECTS US— Birthday & Giveaway!

Welcome to Picture Book Builders, author Sarah Nelson. And welcome to the world of readers, A PARK CONNECTS US! Today is publication day for Sarah’s new picture book, illustrated by Ellen Rooney. I love celebrating book birthdays and am so happy that Picture Book Builders gets to toot the party horn today!🎉 …
Meet Melissa Crowton: And, admire her IN OUR GARDEN art
Blast Off with Suzanne Slade — and welcome back!

I’m excited today to welcome back our own Suzanne Slade (PBB blogger from 2015-2021), who’s here to give us a sneak peek of her upcoming picture book for older readers, the beautifully told, vibrantly illustrated Blast Off!: How Mary Sherman Morgan Fueled America into Space (Calkins Creek, April 12th). Look …