Tag: interview
Critiquers not Critics: Insights On Writing Groups
A Deep Conversation with Illustrator and Author Katherine Roy
Sophie Blackall is in the (Light)house! An INTERVIEW!!!!! Yay!!!!

Caldecott medalist Sophie Blackall’s latest picture book, Hello Lighthouse evokes gasps of awe from both it’s gorgeous look and feel, to its beautifully written story and message. Savvy readers of Picture Book Builders will note that Suzanne Slade posted earlier about the book, which you can see here . I wanted to …
Go Team! Interview with Knopf Editor, Michelle Frey
Building a Beautiful Book— Interview with Sr. Art Director Christine Kettner

Here on Picture Book Builders we love to chat about how beautiful books are created. It’s my opinion that one of the under recognized contributors of the ‘team’ is the art director. I have been fortunate enough to work with Senior Art Director/Creative Director, Christine Kettner on three books. She …
A Chat with Stephanie Lurie, Disney-Hyperion’s Editor-at-Large (Plus Giveaway!)

Hello, all! I’m thrilled to have Stephanie Lurie, Editor-at-Large at Disney-Hyperion, here to chat with us today. Stephanie has had a long and illustrious career in children’s publishing, working with some of the biggest names in the business (as you’ll see below). I’ve been lucky enough to work with Steph …
New Release! DANGEROUS JANE (+ giveaways)

Exciting news! My picture book biography about Jane Addams, DANGEROUS JANE (illustrated by Alice Ratterree) releases from Peachtree Publishers September 1st — just in time for Jane’s birthday on September 6th! So I’d like to celebrate Ms. Addams by sharing a bit of my research, interviewing illustrator Alice Ratterree, and offering a …
Talking with Agent Jennifer Mattson (+ Giveaways!)

Hello, all, and happy April! I’m so pleased to have my fabulous agent, Jennifer Mattson, with us today. Before joining Andrea Brown Literary in 2008, Jennifer held various positions as an editor, book reviewer and bookseller—excellent preparation for her current profession (you’ll find her bio and literary tastes here). I …